The shocking truth about your health | Lissa Rankin | TEDxFiDiWomen

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @IshMi
    @IshMi 9 лет назад +118

    "If we ignore the whispers of the body
    the body begins to yell." Brilliant!

  • @Agusik100
    @Agusik100 11 лет назад +24

    "It's time to stop doing what you should, and start doing what you feel" - great job Lissa

  • @billyjones9066
    @billyjones9066 9 лет назад +103

    Proverbs 4:23
    Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

  • @JeffreyAmbrose
    @JeffreyAmbrose 11 лет назад +12

    Lissa, as a massage therapist, I have know about the mind-body connection for 20 years but they way you put it has made me re-think my philosophies.

  • @stephaniepianostudio
    @stephaniepianostudio 13 лет назад +24

    "You can quit your job but you can't quit your calling." LOVE IT!

  • @spectralv709
    @spectralv709 10 лет назад +712

    If anyone doesn't have the time to watch this, I can summarize:
    Mental health is important.

    • @salemthemerciless
      @salemthemerciless 10 лет назад +59

      Thanks much. She was driving me insane.

    • @DJ_Scrabble
      @DJ_Scrabble 10 лет назад +18

      Morpheus X Thank you. You have done us all a huge service!

    • @PRABHATP77
      @PRABHATP77 10 лет назад +13

      Morpheus X THanks, you saved me 18 minutes. I am not gonna watch this now.

    • @aaron___6014
      @aaron___6014 10 лет назад +6

      I knew it! Go meditate!

    • @kvineesh1
      @kvineesh1 10 лет назад +6

      Morpheus X Disagree. :-) Mental health is just one unit of the integrated health-care:видео.html

  • @karanmalhotra163
    @karanmalhotra163 8 лет назад +155

    the HATE on the comments section about Lissa and her philosophy about 'healthy living' and healing only shows how RIGHT she is about pointing out the modern day ignorance!

    • @susienovis9289
      @susienovis9289 4 года назад +8

      Yes, you're correct, Karan Malhotrra! People get scared by anything that doesn't immediately relate to what they already know as 'fact', and that means they need to open their hearts far more than their head space.

    • @karanmalhotra163
      @karanmalhotra163 4 года назад +1

      @@susienovis9289 isn't that the whole adventure and beauty of it? :)

    • @briandykeman4056
      @briandykeman4056 Год назад +2

      Hate serves no purpose and she is right we all come to that conclusion or we die holding on to our hatred. Good comment

  • @lenarichardson5194
    @lenarichardson5194 3 года назад +8

    Awesome I had to get stage 4 lung cancer for this awareness & a "miracle" spontaneous remission by the hand of God!

  • @sbeast64
    @sbeast64 9 лет назад +149

    TL:DR Your mental health and social life are important to your overall health.

    • @dabaab6779
      @dabaab6779 9 лет назад

      +Sbeast Sunstroke begins with a red face, sudden tiredness and the difficulty to breath. Then it goes on with further symptoms such as slight fever, intense headache, vomiting and fainting. All these symptoms can lead to serious coma and even death if not recognized and treated on time
      Read more at:

    • @berthayellowfinch6178
      @berthayellowfinch6178 9 лет назад

      +Sbeast Overall health is guaranteed by a Doctor who passed the muster in medical school -- not the failures who were deliberately dumped in Women's Health Care.

    • @pepsicolla123
      @pepsicolla123 9 лет назад +2

      +Bertha Yellowfinch health is guaranteed first of all by YOURSELF, then by a good doctor. Not all doctors ask patients about their nutrition, mental health or physical activity.

    • @berthayellowfinch6178
      @berthayellowfinch6178 9 лет назад

      Ruta J
      Kindly tell me who sees a doctor when they don't perceive something is amis they, the individual, can't cure????

    • @pepsicolla123
      @pepsicolla123 9 лет назад

      +Bertha Yellowfinch I'm sorry, I don't get the question

  • @DCnotPC
    @DCnotPC 10 лет назад +76

    I agree with her message. Your reality begins between your ears.
    I'm always amazed at the negative attitudes that are expressed in online comments. Some people are just too beaten up and afraid of life that they have to try to drag down others to their level.
    I feel that Lissa is brave to share her perspective so publicly. For those who see it as an attitude that only the rich and famous can enjoy I have one question. What are you doing today to raise yourself up to a higher standard of living?
    Now start by loving yourself and those around you. Be Optimistic and grateful. Learn something each day and make a plan, make it happen.

    • @deserthighways4095
      @deserthighways4095 10 лет назад +6

      Its true Dave, these negative comments about a woman who is genuinely trying to help them. Nietzsche called these types "Naysayers to life". And that's just what they are. More than anyone, it is they, these posters of negative comments, who need Lisa's advice the most.

    • @DCnotPC
      @DCnotPC 10 лет назад +3

      Well said Jim.
      We can only control our thoughts and actions. I wont give the whiners any power.

    • @deserthighways4095
      @deserthighways4095 10 лет назад

      Long list of things we could complain about but life's too short.

    • @deserthighways4095
      @deserthighways4095 10 лет назад

      I get up early every morning and fish which is very meditative. I never have even the smallest health problems

    • @DCnotPC
      @DCnotPC 10 лет назад

      That is a fantastic plan Jim!
      I'm progressing on a path to less and less stress. Real work to engineer a peaceful life. There are many that want to twist and turn you!

  • @LissaRankin
    @LissaRankin 12 лет назад +42

    I finally had a chance to read through a lot of these comments- and I just want to say I'm so delighted this talk has stimulated such spirited conversation! That is my goal- to get people- especially those in the medical establishment- to start talking about all this, and to open our minds. Raising consciousness is the first step to healing health care- so thank you for sharing this talk and being part of the change.

  • @jessr5955
    @jessr5955 8 лет назад +4

    I have to say it’s a little refreshing to find a health video that doesn’t just focus on physical health, but rather mental health. I do feel as though many a quick to dismiss mental health issues, mostly because there is a huge stigma against it, but also because many feel as though it doesn’t fit their situation. The truth of the matter is you can eat as healthy as you want, exercise regularly, go to the doctor for checkups and do all of the “right things” but if you are ignoring your mental health, none of the other things matter. Many feel trapped in their situations, but you don’t have to be. It is all about perspective. You don’t have to have a lot of money or options in order to change your situation you just need to have a positive mindset. You are always going to be happy if you continue to tell yourself you have no options. I may not be an expert, but I have suffered from depression, and I have gone through long periods of unhappiness feeling like I was trapped in this world with no escape. I have spent nights awake in bed wondering if any of it is actually worth it, only holding on for the sake of my family. I won’t lie, sometimes I still have troubles, but I’m working through them and I am doing so by taking a few moments out of every day to make a short list of what makes me happy and by taking a few moments to step outside and breath. You need to take time for yourself and if you don’t feel like you have the time in your day for that then you need to make time. You will always have at least five minutes to slow yourself down and reflect. You don’t always have to take some form of medication for what’s bothering you, although if you do there’s most certainly nothing wrong with that. You are as strong as you make yourself out to be and there is no force in this world stronger than your own mind. The message that Dr. Rankin is trying to get across is a very powerful one. Your mind is a tool. Use it, find out what makes you happy, and free yourself.

  • @HollanderEdewing
    @HollanderEdewing 3 месяца назад +4

    Laugher and love is the healer of all things.

  • @cathaylee6483
    @cathaylee6483 Год назад +3

    I am a Korean author who currently reading your book MIND OVER MEDICINE which i stumbled across at a community library 🙃 i really love your book and i feel so exciting to read more cause it represents my opinion!! Thanks 😊

  • @MonicaSancio
    @MonicaSancio 11 лет назад +26

    I dare you to look at yourself... And make a change... I know I am... This is the raw truth about health... Lissa Rankin is right!
    What are you thinking + feeling + being... Comment below if you watched it.... I believe in listening to your body: while it whispers, you can start healing... And LIVING!

    • @Hon_cb1kr
      @Hon_cb1kr 11 лет назад +7

      This sound like some hippie BS.
      It is not, my life is shitty right now and I can see by her diagram that many stones are missing in my "construction project".

  • @Aly.knuckles
    @Aly.knuckles 4 года назад +7

    Thank you for posting this .... the parallel to my life and hers is surprising but, wow. She's very inspirational and intelligent. Nice to see a doctor who knows her stuff about HEALTH.

  • @SurrenderedtotheGoodGod
    @SurrenderedtotheGoodGod 9 лет назад +12

    Jesus, and I thought I had it rough.... *Great big warm loving hugs to you Lissa, you brave strong woman!!*

  • @DeyBwah
    @DeyBwah 2 года назад +4

    This is so incredible. Thank you for not giving up and having the courage to listen to your inner essence. What a profound journey!!!!!!! Wow!

  • @deborahdaughter7
    @deborahdaughter7 8 лет назад +12

    truth. I was in a very toxic relationship and I felt the responsibility to continue it for years. I developed cfs and fibromyalgia, was completely debilitated for years. left the relationship, a year and a half later symptoms began to reverse themselves. the work to get better was just as equally as it was physically. I'm better though.

    • @lynncrf
      @lynncrf 6 лет назад

      Did you do anything else to heal? Or was it solely ending the relationship?

  • @dreamwarriorsjourney
    @dreamwarriorsjourney 10 лет назад +5

    Man this woman is a medical revolutionary! We will be hearing a lot more about her in the future. She is way way ahead of her time.

  • @GuidoZecckineIII
    @GuidoZecckineIII 11 лет назад +34

    Finally, someone gets it. What a breath of fresh air. Best video ever!

  • @MEhealthcoach
    @MEhealthcoach 10 лет назад +6

    Dear Morpheus X - Please don't say "I can summarize" when in fact you have missed the point. This is NOT about mental health. What she is saying is if you have symptoms of illness, these will have a root cause in the way you are living your life. Does your job stress you? Are you in an unhappy relationship? Are you eating the wrong food? Don't go to your doctor wanting a pill to stop the headaches / stomach aches / high blood pressure / back ache etc that you are experiencing. Heal yourself by putting right whatever is wrong in your life. I wish you health and happiness.

  • @trutherone2140
    @trutherone2140 8 лет назад +15

    Excellent video!
    Mind over matter - the mind controls the body - the body can and will heal itself.

  • @taniamarshallun
    @taniamarshallun 9 лет назад +1

    Thank you Lissa for being here! I am { a Massage Practioner} and have found over the many years that my clients that see me the most are the clients that I give the most love and attention to. Oddly enough TALKING during a session usally isn`t the norm but when I gave that up for them and let them chat {under the comfort of my hands} they returned often. I was never a highly knowlegable therapist but turned out be be very sucessful in my field, evening starting at student clinic when I was in school {18 years ago}. I just felt the love come through me for them and to give them my full presence\present was the best service/therapy I could give. ~*~

  • @Nattycakiepakie
    @Nattycakiepakie 9 лет назад +56

    She is a pioneer. I'm so glad people are discovering the mind body connection. Stress affects your body. You can get high blood pressure, ulcer, migraine, under stress.. Why can't people get it?! It's so obvious. Sickness and disease is your body telling you something needs to change. LOVE her! Guess what... The world isn't flat.. And you are sick because your soul isn't happy.

    • @Nattycakiepakie
      @Nattycakiepakie 9 лет назад +8

      +Two Scoops I agree, that it is common knowledge that stress kills. HOWEVER, her important points are that 1. YOU have the power within you to heal yourself, that's the placebo effect, Christ consciousness, the law of attraction. 2. YOUR emotional health is the most important thing and your body whispers to you when you need to release or process emotion. 3. Human connection heals. So there you go. Yes people have been saying these things since the beginning of time.. And other cultures get that. But in the Western medical field, this is shunned and discredited. Not to mention... People are very regularly here looking for the easy way out. Pills work.. Right?

    • @Jblah
      @Jblah 7 лет назад +3

      Nattycakiepakie Pioneer? Lmfao. Asian martial artists have known these things for thousands of years.
      Never heard of Mind over matter?, Chi?, Yoga?
      Also ur comment on being sick because ur soul isn't happy?
      U need to get slapped for that comment for real. Say that to babies with birth defects, people dying of malaria and hiv. WTF does happy got to do with being stung by a deadly mosquito or a poisonous snake?
      Just letting u know stupidness is bad for ur mind and body and for the people ur around too.
      I find her voice to be extremely annoying. Is this science for toddlers and the mentally challenged?

    • @computerfastrepair
      @computerfastrepair 7 лет назад +1

      Nattycakiepakie read the book Healing back pain by dr john sarno. This man is the truth and whas has been said about the mind body connection

    • @fcdunrite1
      @fcdunrite1 7 лет назад +1

      Because, it is Life . ,,,,,, and lifestyles. @Two scoops

  • @MrKevinliow88
    @MrKevinliow88 2 года назад +2

    Most importantly, developing a positive mindset. You are what you think you are. Change your mindset and you can change your life.

  • @c.randall1135
    @c.randall1135 5 лет назад +17

    "Inner Pilot Light (17:59)" = "The kingdom of heaven is within you" -Jesus

  • @WendyJohnsonmountainpeak
    @WendyJohnsonmountainpeak 8 лет назад +4

    Great Ted Talk! I like this because it validates so many of the issues we have today. I meet people everyday that have checked out of life. Sometimes it's just talking to someone else about your problems and you realize you are not the only one going through a crisis. I realized this when caring for my parents. There has to be a balance of all things in life.

  • @Olibelus
    @Olibelus 10 лет назад +18

    Amazing lecture. As a pre-biomed science student, this really opens up my mind going forward into the medical field.

    • @barakabozabozo2529
      @barakabozabozo2529 9 лет назад

      ***** you are talking about animals while there is people still don't have water

    • @barakabozabozo2529
      @barakabozabozo2529 9 лет назад

      ok let's care about both but people more a little bit

    • @barakabozabozo2529
      @barakabozabozo2529 9 лет назад

      we can treat animals really good and still eat them it is fine our bodies need it

    • @barakabozabozo2529
      @barakabozabozo2529 9 лет назад

      i did not say that i said that there are people who treat it bad and we have to stop them that's it

    • @TippyPuddles
      @TippyPuddles 9 лет назад

      ***** Sorry, we are not herbivores. Everything dies.

  • @AmyStruloeff
    @AmyStruloeff 7 лет назад +2

    It's time to stop doing what you should, and start doing what you FEEL..
    so well said.
    Thank you.

  • @Annewest48
    @Annewest48 12 лет назад +8

    I Love this talk enormously Lady Lissa & will make sure that it gets shared on all the platforms I `m active :).As an educated clinical psychologist, as well as a professional astrologer ,I`ve had my share of collegues who are afraid to admit that the power of our mind & heart is what really excites health or illnes. I` ve written my own prescriptions for life as well. All I truly need is freedom of expression & lots of friends to Celebrate Life & Love with. Thank You, I am fully with you !

  • @Frankincensedjb123
    @Frankincensedjb123 10 лет назад +3

    The older I get, the stronger, smarter, and better health I've gained, and it's ALL because of the spiritual or listening to the intuitive center that actually guides all. 80 to 90% of people will end up living frustrated lives because they are not living an authentic life. Most live a life predetermined by the extrinsic: parents, teachers, peers, society, money, pride, or ego. Once you let go of these things and find the true joy and beauty of who you are, then and ONLY then do you actualize. Most of us know early and often who we are, yet we listen to so many outside sources that we forget our guidance is ALL inside us, the intrinsic, and nowhere else. You need to become a guru of you and you can ALL do it. Be of the minority and maximize, actualize be honest, be true, be brave and do YOU.

  • @shellShock1111
    @shellShock1111 8 лет назад +12

    i could listen to her voice all day. she seems so sweet

  • @mesims8472
    @mesims8472 9 лет назад +1

    I love it. I have worked with women for years and it the truth. Take off the mask of "everything is fine, as I die inside"
    I have witnessed these miracles for years. I so agree with you Lissa. Thanks you, ME Sims

  • @dil2700
    @dil2700 10 лет назад +5

    When human beings think outside the so callled common sense box, miracles take place!!
    Thnx Doc!

  • @nathanmenon8694
    @nathanmenon8694 6 лет назад +15

    Great. As a surgeon myself I do sincerely agree with her. The body needs more than medications to heal.Superb.

    • @clemaintian1353
      @clemaintian1353 Год назад

      Thank you Dr Omole on RUclips, Sharing testimony on how you Cured my Herpes Disease is my greatest Joy in my Life.

  • @Jakarta123
    @Jakarta123 10 лет назад +3

    thank u for this. love this. suffered from depression for 6 years and suicidal intentions. thank u.

  • @SAMZest
    @SAMZest 9 лет назад +1

    She is so right in expressing how the spiritual connection makes a big difference in living life naturally without allowing it to be exploited by desire driven make believe world of some selfish people.
    The most important observation is she has the daring courage to be honest that must be recognized and appreciated.
    Keep up Lissa Rankin! you are what you are unlike many who are their masks as you rightly noticed.

  • @katrinastewart1977
    @katrinastewart1977 8 лет назад +25

    Why did this make me tear up?
    I feel so much truth in it...

  • @ramnadella3093
    @ramnadella3093 5 лет назад

    10:18 Foundation of Health: Lovely Relationship | Joyful Profession | Being Spiritually Connected
    Creative Expression.
    Inner Pilot Light - Caring Heart, Mind & Soul.
    15:23 Whole Health Cairn: Gratitude, Pleasure, LOVE.

  • @yummypieProductions
    @yummypieProductions 11 лет назад +4

    What she says rings true to me, even if I too am a very scientific person that doesn't favor "spiritual" concepts first. If it works, it works. I resonate with what she has said here. Probably the best gift you can give to yourself is caring about yourself. It's something we should all know how to do, but many struggle to do anyway.

  • @kenmason3526
    @kenmason3526 2 месяца назад

    Way to go doc! You and supportive hubby. Here's to you both ❤️ from 45 years plus in healthcare to you both! Finally someone who gets "Healthcare"! God bless!❤

  • @wildswan221
    @wildswan221 8 лет назад +4

    Her warning about ignoring the whispers of the body is an excellent one. Even without lots of resources, people can change things such as mold at home, bad stuff in their diet, etc... good stuff here. Though I wish she'd focus a bit on things that can be changed without resources such as food and home environment. Good thing is she discusses the fact that prescriptions didn't help her

  • @DonDoornbos
    @DonDoornbos 10 лет назад +1

    This speech is so awesome! It captures perfectly my drive toward truly LIVING my life! No more mindless SLEEP-WALKING!

  • @shining_star8947
    @shining_star8947 9 лет назад +15

    an absolutely beautiful speech!! this is what I called medicine!!!

  • @tinal9634
    @tinal9634 4 года назад +1

    A beautiful talk from a very wise doctor. I love that she is helping me see what needs to change in my life so I can begin the journey to real health and happiness. Thank you 😊🙏🏻🌸

  • @ellegee4043
    @ellegee4043 10 лет назад +9

    I'm glad that physicians are finally cluing into this concept of holistic health... but social workers have been practicing this for decades... and before social workers, Indigenous peoples taught this to their families and communities.
    Side note: Brene Brown is a social worker (YAY!)

  • @sarlakapadia2132
    @sarlakapadia2132 2 года назад +1

    Delightful talk...thank you very much for it n hard work n thinking you've put in to discover this imp. truth..God Bless you....

  • @healthcheckmelbourne
    @healthcheckmelbourne 11 лет назад +3

    Health is so important. Diet, exercise and general well - being is essential, and it's time everyone took ownership of their own health.

  • @emmaleechase613
    @emmaleechase613 7 лет назад +1

    I like how she talks about the body being a mirror of our lives. Yes.

  • @parkerchristine
    @parkerchristine 12 лет назад +4

    I really resonated with what you were saying! When you were asking the audience what's MOST important, I kept saying "your thinking!!!" My friend Dr M.T. Morter Jr has done over 35 years of research on how our negative thoughts & experiences get "trapped' in our bodies and create physical symptoms & disease The more people start to realize this, the healthier we will all be :) So thank you for spreading the word :)

  • @revathirangaswamy5339
    @revathirangaswamy5339 11 лет назад +2

    Thankyou for the beautiful insight. In a world which is soo caught up looking good, working harder, to be perfect in everything we do.. its a breather to know we have a life too, a body, a mind and a soul to nourish

  • @FreeSpirit47
    @FreeSpirit47 10 лет назад +3

    Loved this TED Talk. She touches on so many truths. Enjoyed it! Thank you!

  • @Bondolyna
    @Bondolyna 10 лет назад +1

    a mind-blowing moment @ 6:33
    "They say when your life falls apart, you either grow, or you grow a tumor."

  • @33Crazydude
    @33Crazydude 8 лет назад +42

    I find it very hard in today’s modern world to find meaningful work and meaningful connection with others.
    Being an introvert makes matters worse, it’s like climbing a mountain to get these essential things.
    Lacking the correct psychological environment has resulted in me developing higher levels of discomfort in my body and poorer healing.
    I’m sure there are plenty other people out there who share my conundrum.
    For things to get better for most of us, we need a new kind of economic system with healthier values and less consumption for material status.
    I recommend people look up Structural violence on google

    • @33Crazydude
      @33Crazydude 8 лет назад

      Cold Fury
      When you talk about war in roughly a decade, I was wondering if you were alluding to Russia and America fighting each other.

    • @Animusapertus
      @Animusapertus 8 лет назад +4

      Your first sentence is interesting as it seems as though those are things that you can control. You can control where you work and what you do. Meaningful work is on you, there are things in todays world that actually make it easier for an introvert to reach out to others, without even leaving your house. Such as youtube or streaming. Instead of searching for something on google that you think causes your problem, search for something that fixes your problem. Connecting with others I have found recently has changed my attitude and almost instantly I felt better after I found a friend I can travel and do things with. I am introverted and not very social but recently have made an effort to go out and connect with people and let me tell you It is amazing how much better I feel and am much less depressed. Just some thoughts

  • @pLaIrVaIdNoGx
    @pLaIrVaIdNoGx 9 лет назад

    Perception and interaction. Self judgement. And a sense of adventure and creativity. Last of all, and arguably the most important, appreciation.

  • @SerinaRosalea
    @SerinaRosalea 12 лет назад +5

    Really love this lady's speech. So heartfelt and important to so many people :)

  • @CognitiveScienceFr
    @CognitiveScienceFr 11 лет назад +1

    My best friend had everything to be happy and well : he was accepted at a great studying program, found love, developped new magic tricks, and had a persistent willingness to better himself in all manner. He developped a cancer and died a year after. Cancer is random. I liked this talk, and I share doubts about the practice of medicine, but I believe that she is wrong : balance, equilibrium, etc may not actually help - some things are just plainly random.

    • @thezendo6746
      @thezendo6746 8 месяцев назад

      There is never random disease - how do you know what was buried in the subconscious mind of your friend ? She already made the point that it doesn’t matter if things are good on the surface if you have ignored trauma from within, or there is pain you haven’t dealt with then it will manifest as an illness.

  • @farmaandhillon9676
    @farmaandhillon9676 7 лет назад +15

    this is the best ted talk that I have ever seen . thank you for sharing .

  • @TonyMonk1965
    @TonyMonk1965 2 года назад +1

    Fantastic... Its always been mind over matter and we are being taught that its matter over mind that is the problem. Quantum physics and Einstein long ago has told us again and again that matter is a product of the mind... This is what In have been learning for years and my life is heaven on Earth as a result.

  • @cureforherpes101
    @cureforherpes101 9 лет назад +6

    What an interesting lecture! Lissa, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  • @Prisdesign
    @Prisdesign 8 лет назад +2

    I can feel how passionate you are towards this! this is amazing love these words

  • @anjananaturelover2083
    @anjananaturelover2083 3 года назад +4

    Dr Eric Berg brought me here ,thank you for this talk.
    Contentment is the key. 🙂

  • @leslienotis5286
    @leslienotis5286 10 лет назад +2

    I agree with Lissa very much. Makes a lot of sense. I read her book: "Mind Over Medicine," very informative. Thanks for sharing your story Lissa.

  • @raulfierroz
    @raulfierroz 11 лет назад +28

    I suggest you start watching at 10:31 and save some time.

    • @stevestelly3063
      @stevestelly3063 4 года назад

      This is what i came to the comments for, thx... I was like did I come here to answer her questions or is she going to give me some information? yap yap yap

  • @marcelafuller3465
    @marcelafuller3465 10 лет назад

    Dr Lissa Rankin; I love your teachings & techniques about improving our health, your techniques are very similar to Dr Caloline Leaf, she is a scientist as well. Thank you for sharing may The Creador keep giving you all wisdom & knowledge to keep helping people to make this world a better place to live.

  • @nabilinho
    @nabilinho 9 лет назад +11

    Love you, thank you for your beautiful message.

    • @adzdotvn
      @adzdotvn 6 лет назад

      Love video, thank you for your information!

  • @gulmalani7350
    @gulmalani7350 11 лет назад

    Lissa has done a great job of identifying what causes poor health and sickness and the role of nurturing care required for curing and healing! This understanding will help us maintain good health for most of our life!

  • @johnnyk457
    @johnnyk457 8 лет назад +3

    Amazing talk -- How mental un-ease manifests itself as physical dis-ease

  • @chlofene
    @chlofene 7 лет назад

    I have been where she is talking about. It took me 2 knee replacement surgeries to get me to slow down and realize what was going on. My body was telling me to stop and listen... so I did. I retired, go over the knee surgeries and I got over "me'". I been getting healthier ever since.

  • @leahmay1506
    @leahmay1506 8 лет назад +19

    This is what people don't get, you have to except life wholly, always!! Life consist of 3 major aspects that is mental, physical and spiritual and the reason why we continuously bump into issues with our body or lifestyle is because society or science always disregards the spiritual. We don't learn it in school or any institution for that matter. But you will always fall short or run into a problem if you disregard anyone of these aspects. You have to have and accept all of these aspects to lead the most healthiest fulfilling life possible. Neither can you only accept the physical and spiritual and disregard the mental, or spiritual and mental and disregard the physical. All three together are most essential and vital!!!!

    • @sophiegergaud24
      @sophiegergaud24 7 лет назад

      Rae Azanna 8899k q

    • @michaelgrant169
      @michaelgrant169 6 лет назад

      Rae Azanna RECOMMENDED VIEWING A short video > (What is true cellular detox and cellular detoxification DR Dan pompa) Alot of people dont know about this stuff. What is important regarding disease reversal is (cellular health) fix the cell to get well. Regarding disease reversal to a large extent the science is in. (Sharing wisdom heals) thought it was worth mentioning.

  • @andreasfanelli6510
    @andreasfanelli6510 10 лет назад +1

    This is stuff that I've figured out relatively young in life. I see people that see the doctors non-stop yet never get better. I've seen people who do everything healthy fall apart one day because their body gives out. It's clear that the more mentally sound you are the healthier you'll be.
    That being said I do not see someone onstage who is what she preaches. She didn't seem relaxed at all and her explanations seemed superficial. I think there are clear mind body connections that we cannot even hope to understand with our current model of physics. I'm sure if we had a truly deep understanding of how the universe works we could fully understand the body and life in general.
    That being said I hate how so many of these holistic healers are acting like they have all the answers. I've learned a lot personally by stepping out of proven science and observing the fringe of what we know. It does not mean that I accept any of it as fact, nor do I try to push my ideas on others. I consider our knowledge to be fledgling at best and we are far from understanding it all. People like this too me are no better than the doctors she criticisms. Prove that there is a mechanism at play and we can name it. Until then it is speculation that COULD be truthful, but just as easily could not be.
    It really comes down to a gray area that most people can't seem to tread on. Take a look around RUclips and everyone talks in absolutes and "full truth". The rest of the world is the same as this little virtual one. People can't deal with not having an answer. That's why religions are the way the are and people come up with the craziest explanations for things. The lack of knowing is the true enemy. We need to realize that we are all fools trying to make sense of a incredibly complex universe and we need to take it one step at a time.
    Regardless there is still an important message here, so even if the messenger is crazy, it shouldn't dilute the message.

  • @iwnunn7999
    @iwnunn7999 10 лет назад +11

    I hope Lissa does not read some of these hurtful, meaningless, uncaring, judgmental comments. If she does, I hope she's unaffected by them. Stop the personal attacks and appreciate the message.

    • @SenorSchnitz
      @SenorSchnitz 10 лет назад +1

      She deserves EVERY comment for ripping of what Tony Robbins already wrote in a book - more than 15 YEARS AGO!
      NOTHING she said in the Talk is new!

    • @iwnunn7999
      @iwnunn7999 10 лет назад +2

      Where did Tony Robbins get his medical degree? You won't find many doctors who would take this stand. I'm sure Lissa didn't intentionally plagiarize Mr Robbins.

  • @isisgomes6732
    @isisgomes6732 9 лет назад +1

    Best TED video I ever seen! Congratulations for her amazing job! I'm also looking to find my own inner peace

  • @keveenkorakor
    @keveenkorakor 9 лет назад +11

    Yesssss...that was awesome! Thanks a lot. love love love. Baba Bear

  • @cabetza1
    @cabetza1 11 лет назад

    De pronto los que han buscado tanto tiempo la respuesta afuera de ellos, es decir en el exterior comienzan a darse cuenta que han buscado en el lugar equivocado, es adentro donde están todas las respuestas, de dentro hacia afuera, no de afuera hacia adentro.
    16:45 Cuando dejamos que nuestro verdadero yo sea visto, cuando dejamos nuestra luz interna irradiar, sanamos de adentro hacia afuera y es mas poderoso que cualquier medicina que consuman.

  • @deborahhopper1070
    @deborahhopper1070 8 лет назад +4

    Finding balance, Thank you!!!!!

  • @CeliaStenger
    @CeliaStenger 11 лет назад +2

    Felicitaciones Lissa, eres un ejemplo a seguir....!

  • @DwaineHartman
    @DwaineHartman 11 лет назад +8

    thank you Lissa for coming out with the truth blessings to you

  • @kayleeroebuck3282
    @kayleeroebuck3282 9 лет назад

    I believe that mental health is often forgotten. Many people have a hard time talking about it. Other just believe the physical symptoms are more important. Physical symptoms are very important, but being mentally well is so much greater. I believe that physicians often overlook the psychological symptoms patients may experience. They go into the office not feeling well but the doctor cannot give a diagnosis. It seem doctors are too quick to diagnose them as "well". Physicians should take the time to ask the patient how they are feeling mentally, and how their daily life is going. At my last regular check up, my doctor had me fill out a paper on my mental health. I asked her why she requires this now, and she simply stated "I often overlook how my patients feel mentally, and I believe a good mental health makes for a good overall health". I found her words very meaningful, and agree with her views. I really enjoy her visual representation of health as a cairn. It shows just how dependent one area of health is on another and how our bodies need a balance.

  • @CodrGirl
    @CodrGirl 9 лет назад +6

    I always find so many criticisms in the ted talks when it's a woman presenting... less so when a man is presenting... someone should do a ted talk on that.

  • @AnimatedV
    @AnimatedV 10 лет назад

    Hi Lissa! So you have finally woken up, and now helping others.

  • @TheyCallMeStan
    @TheyCallMeStan 8 лет назад +9

    This is honestly the TED video that I feel I learned the most from. Even though it doesn't come with any fancy-ass research :)

  • @heatherr9599
    @heatherr9599 7 лет назад +1

    One of my fav Ted Talks I luv Lissa Rankin!!! Her book "Mind Over Medicine" is AMAZING for anyone as intrigued as I was after seeing this!✌

  • @Montecristo21
    @Montecristo21 11 лет назад +58

    For us, psychologists, all those things are obvious and the research papers have been there for at least 30 years. I respect the speaker, but she didn't say anything new enough or novel enough for a TED talk. In fact, Positive Psychology has been studying the things that enhance general health instead of just diagnosing disorders for quite some time. So the real value of this talk, in my opinion, is its motivational aspect.

    • @bashful228
      @bashful228 11 лет назад +7

      It's because she "had all the doctor lifestyle things" as she repeatedly reminded us and supposedly gave them away, well her job away I bet she didn't give her superannuation package and houses away. GPs (MDs) rarely dis on their own profession so she gets notoriety and book selling angle for marketing is complete.

    • @PeterIntrovert
      @PeterIntrovert 11 лет назад

      Very true. :)

    • @bashful228
      @bashful228 11 лет назад +4

      Super annoying style of self-expression too :-))))

    • @albertneville8918
      @albertneville8918 11 лет назад

      bashful228 Good point. But I might add that I find adding the adjective "super" before another adjective to be annoying as well. As in, I drank so much last night I was SUPER DRUNK. Had so much whiskey I was SUPER cunted. Smashed up the house because I was so SUPER fucked up. etc etc

    • @Montecristo21
      @Montecristo21 11 лет назад +1

      Sorry, I'm not an English native speaker. In Spanish and Italian you can put 'super' before any adjective whatsoever without annoying. Maybe that's why it doesn't sound annoying to me

  • @vietnameseamericansocialpoliti
    @vietnameseamericansocialpoliti 7 лет назад

    On behalf of Independent Research, Interactive, Exchangeable Social Cultural Education, worldwide (Eastern and Western Health Care), I do appreciate Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D for Valuable mindful lecture to Public Consumers.

  • @jaygarcia911
    @jaygarcia911 11 лет назад +5

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this amazing video!

    • @z00h
      @z00h 11 лет назад +1

      So much sweetness I almost felt like overdosing on carbs after whatching this video. Surprised I managed to watch it all to be honest.

  • @suzyaragon7546
    @suzyaragon7546 11 лет назад

    My muse Lissa Rankin. Such a great speech on how to return to your authentic self.

  • @arleneh.1107
    @arleneh.1107 10 лет назад +96

    Such negative responses here. Her point is evident. Sad world when a message of hope gets picked to death by the vultures.

    • @saleenajustine2498
      @saleenajustine2498 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you! Smart woman with true points

    • @gpvcam
      @gpvcam 5 лет назад +2

      All negative response from drugs corporation.

    • @susienovis9289
      @susienovis9289 4 года назад

      I agree, Arlene H. She's offering a message of hope. But clearly the 'vultures' think their limited way of thinking is 'right' and the only way to be well.....and don't have the nous to listen more deeply to others.

  • @jaroslavasvajcrova
    @jaroslavasvajcrova 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you. Our Wonderful Life with this Woman and her Knowledges.

  • @normbabbitt4325
    @normbabbitt4325 9 лет назад +6

    Speaking of lovingkindness and the love of the heart!

  • @everymomentmindful624
    @everymomentmindful624 10 лет назад

    Thank you Lissa. I feel the truth of your words on a deep level. So wonderful to know that people like you are out there practicing and educating the world.

  • @girlpower148
    @girlpower148 9 лет назад +7

    everyone should follow this philosophy, the sooner i really practise this philosophy the better

    • @ryimarwa2901
      @ryimarwa2901 9 лет назад

      +Miss Shy i didn't grasp the philosophy well enough, could you please explain it to me once more ?

    • @jerryloventikha1456
      @jerryloventikha1456 8 лет назад

      +Miss Shy i think the philosophy needs more its independent on TED...

  • @elenaeisenhardt3280
    @elenaeisenhardt3280 8 лет назад +2

    I absolutely love this. Beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  • @tarathysell5573
    @tarathysell5573 9 лет назад +4

    But the crisis in health care - or at least health care in the United States - is that people aren't getting "root cause treatment" for their ailments. Period. Pain killers and mood stabilizers are treatments for symptoms, but not the root cause of those symptoms. And that keeps the patient coming back and only getting sicker. And the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies reap the profits from that continued attendance. Doctors are now contractors, "providers" who can be fired for simply not conforming to the quota-based system behind insurance driven healthcare. They have to see X number of patients per day. They have to delay treatment for those that can wait a few more premium payments down the road. And if the patient dies before they can get treatment, well then nobody's keeping tabs on medical outcomes in the healthcare industry anyway.
    The only answer to this crisis is universal healthcare where (a) doctors have tenure (and thus don't have to worry about being fired (unless of course they commit gross malpractice), and therefore don't have to worry about milking the system to prepare for that contingency), (b) insurance companies are removed from the equation, along with their profit motives, and (c) the cost of medical procedures, supplies, and prescriptions comes down as a result.
    Today doctors that have the proper skills and education are still having to spend time covering up for their incompetent cohorts. In California, the insurance companies convinced voters to reject a bill lifting the MICRA limits for malpractice awards, because (they said) it would cause healthcare insurance to increase and/or cause doctors to leave the state. Yet this wasn't enough protection, as they now all simultaneously require an arbitration agreement signed before providers will even see you to begin with. What kind of care can be obtained when the doctor-patient relationship begins on the basis of a legal position in a potential unforeseen lawsuit? I didn't think so.
    So what Dr Rankin says about lifestyles is true, however it isn't the whole story (although I find it ironic that she points a finger at patients' lifestyles, when her own lifestyle (as she says) consisted of a beach front home, a vacation home, a boat in the harbor, and a growing retirement nest egg).
    Sincerely Concerned

    • @In19944
      @In19944 9 лет назад

      +Tara Thysell Universal healthcare may be the answer but that leads to pharmaceutical, insurance, & healthcare giants. Or just one giant. We know the sludge & bureaucracy that invades healthcare now, imagine the disconnect that patients & dr's will have when their relationship is not only built on a litigational foundation, like u say, but also universal criteria for disease rates & standards for care. I have a feeling the gov't will think the cure for these diseases will be in pill form & not in diet/lifestyle which we know is the cause/prevention/cure for most disease.

    • @tarathysell5573
      @tarathysell5573 9 лет назад

      I still think the underlying problem is tenure. Give highly educated doctors tenure and a pension, and they start behaving rational again. No need to protect anybody for fear of losing your job. Most people want to do the right thing. The current system just doesn't allow them to.
      The other alternative is to make it easier to identify malpractice and sue doctors. However, that drives up the cost and is more a second order solution.

    • @tarathysell5573
      @tarathysell5573 9 лет назад

      We should be able to mimick France's healthcare system - which to my knowledge doesn't experience the issues you mention - at a cost cheaper than what we have now.

    • @tarathysell5573
      @tarathysell5573 9 лет назад

      A government healthcare system would have the motivation to keep it's citizens healthy. If doctors have tenure and pension, then they're happy, and real medicine begins to be practiced, and medical discoveries begin to happen at a faster pace, instead of time spent delaying or hiding from a diagnosis.

    • @tarathysell5573
      @tarathysell5573 9 лет назад +1

      Today, if you have a medical problem that is chronic and undiagnosed, you are more likely to be pushed around, and made to feel like the perpetrator against the holier than thou medical establishment.

  • @DirectionersPeppaPig
    @DirectionersPeppaPig 8 лет назад +2

    One of the best speeches i've ever heard.. Really

  • @maryfink22
    @maryfink22 7 лет назад +3

    BEAUTIFUL VIDEO, beautiful person. for all the haters here.. take a look at yourself.

  • @dharanacounsellingmeditati5062
    @dharanacounsellingmeditati5062 8 лет назад +2

    Ayurveda says that illness unfolds in 6 stages. The Chopra center teaches that western medicine is essential at stages 5 & 6. This video is about stages 1 - 4.
    Exactly right!

  • @chickweed4022
    @chickweed4022 10 лет назад +17

    "You either grow, or grow a tumor" or in my case, grow 6 sizes.

  • @georgeduncan8946
    @georgeduncan8946 2 года назад +1

    On point☝️ a Dr that Really understands💥💥💥💥