I Built a HUGE Lego Rollercoaster - Floor to Ceiling!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • I Built a HUGE Lego Rollercoaster, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, with two loops / inversions, a vertical drop, a smoke machine and tons of crazy lighting effects.

Комментарии • 11 тыс.

  • @HalfAsleepChris
    @HalfAsleepChris  3 года назад +10292

    Would you ride this in REAL LIFE?!

  • @SpaghettiRoad
    @SpaghettiRoad 3 года назад +6696

    Buying 10 sets and combining them is the definition of living the dream! This looks like so much fun!

    • @captainzoom854
      @captainzoom854 3 года назад +152

      Didn't expect to see you here

    • @joejolliffe
      @joejolliffe 3 года назад +116

      I love it when I discover RUclipsrs that I watch also watch the same channels that I do!

    • @Marenthyu
      @Marenthyu 3 года назад +56

      I just love this corner of youtube

    • @HalfAsleepChris
      @HalfAsleepChris  3 года назад +640

      It really was! Big fan of your videos.

    • @cat_1878
      @cat_1878 3 года назад +57

      of course the danish guy watched a *lego* video

  • @Rockyandfan
    @Rockyandfan 3 года назад +347

    This man is made of a kid’s dreams and surprised that he doesn’t get more attention. We are here for you. ❤️ 💕

  • @arcadebee6105
    @arcadebee6105 Год назад +13

    Children create dreams, Chris makes them real.

  • @trace9657
    @trace9657 3 года назад +85

    This is amazing. I love seeing Bella this enthralled, and she is using the ramp you built on the catio.

    • @HalfAsleepChris
      @HalfAsleepChris  3 года назад +18

      Thanks! Yes - she's now always at the top of the catio, it's her favourite spot :)

    • @antsandplants5110
      @antsandplants5110 3 года назад +2

      @@HalfAsleepChris thats lovely to hear :)

    • @punchcoolboy4462
      @punchcoolboy4462 3 года назад

      @@HalfAsleepChris :D

    • @AyembeeGeog
      @AyembeeGeog 11 месяцев назад


  • @MrMoo1452
    @MrMoo1452 3 года назад +134

    I'd call this ride "The Fever Dream" because you go through the sky into space and then into the color part. But it's still super cool

    • @MahBOON99
      @MahBOON99 3 года назад +2

      yeah thats a really good name

    • @frostyfieIds
      @frostyfieIds 3 года назад

      @Anshika R.H that’s not what a-

    • @lauracox179
      @lauracox179 3 года назад

      @@MahBOON99 ya falled me in fallen midem

    • @lauracox179
      @lauracox179 3 года назад


    • @Tylergibs2010
      @Tylergibs2010 6 месяцев назад

      I'd call this ride "Glow Coaster"

  • @karmakat1244
    @karmakat1244 3 года назад +531

    “I’m also legitimately obligated to tell you that every 4 rides crashes horrifically, so good luck you’ll need it”
    Imagine that in real life

    • @abby-me17016
      @abby-me17016 3 года назад +3

      Yea, no

    • @catmaglev3324
      @catmaglev3324 3 года назад +2


    • @bobchannel2722
      @bobchannel2722 3 года назад +17

      Hey said legally not legitimately

    • @Lamp25
      @Lamp25 3 года назад +4

      Wait what no let me offf no no no no ahhhhhhhhh........

    • @heatherlinton2069
      @heatherlinton2069 3 года назад +3

      There is so much grammar wrong with this comment

  • @bread8445
    @bread8445 Год назад +207

    the editing on this video is out of this world, the sheer amount of effort put into this video is genuinely insane. Huge props to this guy

  • @AttractionSpot
    @AttractionSpot 3 года назад +979

    That's awesome! But if you still have the setup what you should do is re-record this at a higher frame rate and then slow it down but disable resample and then exported out at that framerate that was shot in.
    Then it looks like it's going normal speed like a regular roller coaster and then we can actually see things better.

    • @Rasak1n
      @Rasak1n 3 года назад +20

    • @kraftigamer
      @kraftigamer 3 года назад +14

      @@Rasak1n jk i actually know what he's saying lol

    • @Rus-426
      @Rus-426 3 года назад +3

      How did you do that

    • @kraftigamer
      @kraftigamer 3 года назад +10

      @@Rus-426 if you mean the loading thing it only works on desktop not. Mobile but you type :buffering:

    • @cthonmon_4781
      @cthonmon_4781 3 года назад +2

      yeah, mebbe with a highspeed cam

  • @hyena849
    @hyena849 3 года назад +5917

    I like how he casually says “I bought 10 of them”

    • @chicagotypewriter2094
      @chicagotypewriter2094 3 года назад +165

      Yeah, ikr, and those things are hella expensive!

    • @Traggel
      @Traggel 3 года назад +89

      The cost like 400 Canadian dollars!

    • @rtubere
      @rtubere 3 года назад +17


    • @TheCongestedCrew
      @TheCongestedCrew 3 года назад +9

      Among us

    • @doriandaykin2747
      @doriandaykin2747 3 года назад +10

      I was about to make the exact same joke lol

  • @POAgaming1944
    @POAgaming1944 3 года назад +117

    Chris is straight up doing all the things we wanted to do as kids

  • @marianataralunga772
    @marianataralunga772 2 месяца назад +1

    The decorations were definitely the COOLEST part

  • @jotajota3317
    @jotajota3317 3 года назад +52

    A slowmotion spin-off every new passage would be cool to be able to see all the hard work that went into it!

  • @volpenvieh
    @volpenvieh 3 года назад +72

    Started watching this channel for cat content a long time ago - stayed for Chris' awesome personality and insanely cool projects. But it's very nice to see that the cats also enjoyed the rollercoaster.

  • @hallo476
    @hallo476 3 года назад +39

    I watched the ride at 50% speed and it was way smoother and easy to follow.

  • @eekee6034
    @eekee6034 Год назад +15

    The mere idea of sorting all those pieces makes me want to run screaming for the hills! Chris, your sacrifice is appreciated. ;)
    The ride was a sensory experience for sure! It's the sort of thing I'd have to go on a second time just to be sure of what I saw... but not before having a good sit down first. ;)

  • @gradient816
    @gradient816 3 года назад +56

    Chris is living everyone's dreams, buying all the Lego you could want and going NUTS with it. I love it.

  • @nermalmovement
    @nermalmovement 3 года назад +240

    I love the sheer amount of detail you put into your animations. I especially love how at 1:56 you took the pictures in reverse so you wouldn’t have the crinkle creases in the paper when it’s unfolded

    • @izaansalam6418
      @izaansalam6418 2 года назад +6

      it's easier that way I think

    • @Gordofilms7
      @Gordofilms7 2 года назад +6

      Yea hate to burst your bubble but pretty sure that’s the standard. Still though, incredible detail and effort nonetheless!!

    • @CrazyCody44
      @CrazyCody44 2 года назад +2

      Yea agreed, but that's not why he did it in reverse.

    • @anton-exe
      @anton-exe 2 года назад +1

      In another video he said he also does the letter stop motion stuff backwards as well

  • @edz_gaming7915
    @edz_gaming7915 3 года назад +36

    Hey Chris, I got a new £50 note today and I love it because it finishes my polymer notes of England collection. I couldn’t believe how thin it was because it is so huge!

    • @chicagotypewriter2094
      @chicagotypewriter2094 3 года назад +2

      I was so overjoyed when my aunt gave me a 50 Canadian note as a gift! It's so cool and wonderful compared to our tissue-like US currency lol

    • @chicagotypewriter2094
      @chicagotypewriter2094 3 года назад +2

      Do you have any other collections? I'd love to hear about it!

    • @edz_gaming7915
      @edz_gaming7915 3 года назад

      I’m currently trying to get the pre decimal coins collection but I also have the first set of decimal coins and the modern set. I love the old 5p though 🤣. I have a 50p collection too! What do you have?

  • @david05
    @david05 Год назад +5

    A little of slow motion on the road coaster's pov and centering the camera lent would make it more satisfactory and enjoyable. Great building!

    • @ashleighelizabeth5916
      @ashleighelizabeth5916 8 месяцев назад

      You can slow the video spend down yourself on RUclips. I watched the POV at .25 speed and could follow it a lot better that way.

  • @-emme288-3
    @-emme288-3 3 года назад +68

    It’s the train all over again! You’re living every kid’s dreams!

    • @akumasorbet
      @akumasorbet 3 года назад +1

      @obviously self promoted AND liked it’s own comment haha pathetic

  • @two_bleww
    @two_bleww 3 года назад +169

    The worst part isnt sorting..
    It's taking apart this masterpiece

  • @rowduk
    @rowduk 3 года назад +156

    “that one is every four rides crashes horrifically so good luck you’ll need it!”
    that sounds great!-

  • @veronicacain3486
    @veronicacain3486 Год назад +3

    Half-Asleep Chris is definitely the best Lego-builder in the world.

  • @ragingseagull8915
    @ragingseagull8915 3 года назад +202

    The scary thing is if this was in human scale, it still wouldn’t even rank in top 10 for tallest roller coasters

    • @cymar
      @cymar 3 года назад +2


    • @reakheart8223
      @reakheart8223 3 года назад +8

      @@lemonquilt4269 he said the UK’s record

    • @tomb6776
      @tomb6776 3 года назад

      It would be the 6th tallest actually

    • @janpenner2002
      @janpenner2002 3 года назад +2

      @@tomb6776 No the 8th tallest according to Wikipedia

    • @valk232
      @valk232 3 года назад +2


  • @JojamationsOG
    @JojamationsOG 3 года назад +487

    I bet whenever you start on any of these projects Ralph and Bella just think: 'Gosh what is hooman doing... Ridiculous.'

    • @HalfAsleepChris
      @HalfAsleepChris  3 года назад +176

      Bella loves it, she's super curious and always by my side. Ralph usually hides upstairs...

    • @JojamationsOG
      @JojamationsOG 3 года назад +23

      @@HalfAsleepChris Wow, a reply from the man himself, Thanks Chris!

    • @lindaolander1024
      @lindaolander1024 3 года назад +1


    • @Aviator856
      @Aviator856 3 года назад


    • @Aviator856
      @Aviator856 3 года назад +2

      @Gemma Verdun me 2. I hate 2 do it, but I really liked the comment/ vid

  • @AndreDV07
    @AndreDV07 3 года назад +170

    this dude should have an actual show, his voice is perfect

    • @kalid.alwhsh1135
      @kalid.alwhsh1135 3 года назад +1

      Good idea no no perfect idea

    • @volpenvieh
      @volpenvieh 3 года назад +1

      He should read audio books.

    • @ozen74
      @ozen74 3 года назад


    • @Hippopotalust
      @Hippopotalust 3 года назад +4

      Nah. Taking away his creative control and stiffling his imagination for the whims of producers and to please corporate sponsors to make shows for a dying media does not sound fun for Chris at all. We should just support him through the channels he has chosen to share his talents via.

    • @barakudanetwork3202
      @barakudanetwork3202 3 года назад

      The shows name shoud be what i did in 2020

  • @katiemacfarlane5271
    @katiemacfarlane5271 6 месяцев назад +3

    OMG I LOVED BELLA WEARING THE GLOW STICK ON TOP OF HER DONUT!!!!!but also loved the loop small and big

  • @Caldera01
    @Caldera01 3 года назад +43

    Bella: "It's beautiful. I've been looking at it for hours."

    • @Caldera01
      @Caldera01 Год назад

      @@Davethegreatrizzler101 For such a small and a silly thing, I am not surprised, but I do appreciate it. Replies are always a bit more personal than just a number going up.

  • @Julian-cp3vp
    @Julian-cp3vp 3 года назад +115

    I saw a video of a guy reviewing this set a while back and I thought to myself: "That's such a cool LEGO set, I only wish it was bigger." Thank you for granting my wish! And not just that, you kept one-upping yourself throughout this video. I'm in awe of your creativity.

  • @Beefles
    @Beefles 3 года назад +241

    I've got to say, the editing is super creative and satisfying. Amazing work!

  • @marwynnsworld9390
    @marwynnsworld9390 Месяц назад +1

    This would certainly be the most awesome rollercoaster EVER

  • @saladmander2529
    @saladmander2529 3 года назад +93

    I know this was a lot of effort but… MORE BIG PROJECTS LIKE THIS PLEASE!

  • @IanPotato
    @IanPotato 3 года назад +315

    I really like the lego videos, they are so creative, and I haven’t seen anyone else do anything like it! Keep up the great work, and thank you for making awesome and wholesome videos. I know myself and many other people really enjoy them :)

    • @HalfAsleepChris
      @HalfAsleepChris  3 года назад +51

      Thanks a lot!

    • @chicagotypewriter2094
      @chicagotypewriter2094 3 года назад +5

      Ikr! I was subbed since he had 257k, and he's at 900k+ now! His amazing quality-over-quantity videos, plus cats & coins (say that could be a name), are such a joy!

    • @penultimateonion
      @penultimateonion 3 года назад +1

      Yeah, the Lego videos really is fun to watch

    • @aviationtrainsfc1
      @aviationtrainsfc1 3 года назад

      @@chicagotypewriter2094 I have been subbed since he had been at around 790K

    • @DeltaModelX
      @DeltaModelX 3 года назад

      @@HalfAsleepChris doint worry about what the viewers want, because ANY video you post is sure to be good!

  • @blerygriltt206
    @blerygriltt206 3 года назад +51

    That cloud is insane. Btw, If you record with a high speed camera and then slow it down 25% or so it might feel very large and realistic, since slower things are perceived as larger. It's the same reason they slow down the guy in the Godzilla suit.

    • @GMaster4308
      @GMaster4308 3 года назад +5

      I genuinely thought that the clouds were some kind of edit and that he was joking before he explained what they were.

    • @adakalyoncu1913
      @adakalyoncu1913 3 года назад +2

      The reason for it is that when you scale down the model, you don't scale down the gravity and friction, to give the effect of gravity and friction being scaled down, you can slow down the POV or off ride fotoage of the model roller coaster. But he still needs to smooth the transistions on the track and make improvements to the layout to make the roller coaster more realistic.

  • @nesjakugler1679
    @nesjakugler1679 2 месяца назад

    The sounds of the rollercoaster chain is enough to make me feel the anticipation, excitement, and unease of the drop.

  • @jblmarbleassociation
    @jblmarbleassociation 3 года назад +202

    Chris, you’ve totally outdone yourself. Your channel always goes above and beyond to bring us an enchanting experience. Your editing style and your personality only helps. Many RUclipsrs would make simple videos about cats trying a treat, but you make a giant lego rollercoaster! I wish I could hit the subscribe button a million more times. With how great your videos are, you are certainly on track to have a very successful channel. Thanks so much for all you do Chris

  • @IAmTotallyNotTea
    @IAmTotallyNotTea 3 года назад +292

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate the effort that Chris puts into every single one of his videos. Also, 3:40, Bella trying her best to avoid the grips as much as possible. Again. I love Ralph and Bella.

    • @auwtism1742
      @auwtism1742 3 года назад +7

      @obviously can you not self promote

    • @mxtchaboba
      @mxtchaboba 3 года назад

      @@auwtism1742 ?

    • @lindaolander1024
      @lindaolander1024 3 года назад +1

      me to

    • @Egerit100
      @Egerit100 3 года назад +1

      @@mxtchaboba if u look through the replies someone called obviously with a blue pfp is spamming the same link over and over again. I'm just going through the comments and reporting for spam

    • @amandad3877
      @amandad3877 3 года назад

      Lol ywa

  • @Dinglehopper.
    @Dinglehopper. 3 года назад +303

    This man is a genius. Also I’m starting to think that he isn’t half-alsleep

    • @Lelelelelelelelelel377
      @Lelelelelelelelelel377 3 года назад +2

      He IS

    • @Overflow066
      @Overflow066 3 года назад +11

      Well the awake part is to execute and the asleep part is to dream about what to execute.

    • @PaMS1995
      @PaMS1995 3 года назад +4

      he's fully asleep cause he's living the childhood dream

    • @VVix3n_0np4ws
      @VVix3n_0np4ws Год назад

      That’s literally just the user

    • @Dinglehopper.
      @Dinglehopper. Год назад

      @@VVix3n_0np4ws Woah! Is it now? I could’ve never guessed.

  • @ilovebusesandtrains7777
    @ilovebusesandtrains7777 3 месяца назад +1

    Nice work chris! keep it up!

  • @IonaruX
    @IonaruX 3 года назад +244

    An awesome project! I loved all the elements and theming you added to to the rollercoaster!
    A suggestion: film with a 60 or 120 FPS camera and play the video at half or 1/4th speed. The resulting video will look more like a real rollercoaster ride.

    • @amyworrall9246
      @amyworrall9246 3 года назад +9

      I came here to suggest that.

    • @NaudRuun
      @NaudRuun 3 года назад +8

      I was about to suggest the same. With the proper sound effects. Can we also have LEGO figurine in the shot enjoying the ride?

    • @Flashy7
      @Flashy7 3 года назад +1

      and I think if he would sacrifice a figurine and loosen its shoulder joint a bit, it could throw its hands up when going down

  • @spottyrules6678
    @spottyrules6678 3 года назад +19

    It’s fine to use other materials, as long as you like doing the project. An amazing build,

  • @Pinkowlcat
    @Pinkowlcat 3 года назад +17

    Oh my God Chris. You've completely outdone yourself. Im speechless, but just know i'd give you a ton of praise if i could find words suitable enough to describe my amazement and wonder upon seeing this. (Also those glowing glasses - extremely cool)
    Edit: Oh my god your editing as well with the extra sound effects on the ride was perfect! Thanks for putting so much hard work into your content, we really appreciate it

  • @Vesper-p6o
    @Vesper-p6o Год назад +1

    What I love best about this channel is that Chris never apologies for being himself, or showing childlike interest in small plastic building blocks or other objects.

  • @jaridkeen123
    @jaridkeen123 3 года назад +870

    Bella's eyes are huge.

  • @lastlyhi
    @lastlyhi 2 года назад +369

    The issue with the wobbling is because there is no webbing between the squares. An X design on the squares would completely make it rigid and stiff

    • @Jackson-op7br
      @Jackson-op7br 2 года назад +12

      Try and make that with legos, he did the best he could with what he was given

    • @lastlyhi
      @lastlyhi 2 года назад +24

      @@Jackson-op7br oh its definately possible, it just seems like he didnt have the right pieces

    • @thepootato
      @thepootato 2 года назад +7

      And not enough of them

    • @thisis_mudchute
      @thisis_mudchute 2 года назад


    • @Gatorade_Man
      @Gatorade_Man 2 года назад +6

      Kind of like bridges, how they use triangles inside of trapazoids to become more sturdy.

  • @RichardChonak
    @RichardChonak 3 года назад +10

    Playing the ride at half-speed makes it even more impressive!

  • @ewenlin8504
    @ewenlin8504 4 месяца назад +1

    You are like the Colin forze of Lego. So cool

  • @zeo8955
    @zeo8955 3 года назад +73

    Chris is literally representing our dream childhood.

    • @Diplex__
      @Diplex__ 3 года назад


    • @moussetache
      @moussetache 3 года назад

      Except we're not that child.

    • @urbutholstinks2304
      @urbutholstinks2304 3 года назад

      i didn't know stuff like legos exist until i was in like 6th/7th grade

  • @AuthenTech
    @AuthenTech 3 года назад +64

    Insta360 GO 2, great POV choice!

  • @yakovtochii4748
    @yakovtochii4748 3 года назад +45

    Chris is a man who never gave up on his childhood dreams.

  • @CalypsoAteWorms
    @CalypsoAteWorms 2 года назад +2


  • @mayafrank1064
    @mayafrank1064 3 года назад +10

    NOW we know why this coaster was "nearly" sold out! :D Really really nice work!
    What about a giant Cat-Space OUT OF LEGO?

  • @phasmatik5863
    @phasmatik5863 3 года назад +619

    It’s literally so hard to not like Chris, everything he does has a dump truck of pizzazz to it

  • @tannerhall8337
    @tannerhall8337 3 года назад +9

    We just stopped by a Lego store and I saw the price of this Lego set..... It was not cheap so to see 10 of them being built together into something huge with not millions of subscribers to pay for it it’s just amazing so thank you.

  • @scottbrier6680
    @scottbrier6680 Год назад +4

    Your video just brought my son out of a ferocious night terror. Calmed right down. Thank you Chris

  • @absolutewisp
    @absolutewisp 3 года назад +25

    Bella's glowstick is incredibly stylish! I also see that you've realized the ease of building things in montages and started utiziling them more. Also, the Cats in Squares song making an appearance in a main video is also amazing.

  • @eeherthhtr5
    @eeherthhtr5 3 года назад +18

    Did anyone notice the sound effects for the coaster are from the game planet coaster?... One of my favourite games. Well Done Chris! This looks SICK.

    • @eightk4225
      @eightk4225 3 года назад +1


    • @iForix
      @iForix 3 года назад +1

      This looks SICK!*
      Fixed it for you

  • @larryisntmynamebutyoucanca9625
    @larryisntmynamebutyoucanca9625 3 года назад +31

    I have been using LEGO my entire life and it never ceases to amaze me just how incredibly well the 'system' is. Mathematics and engineering at its finest

    • @kais.597
      @kais.597 3 года назад +1

      Eh Lego isnt really a good fit for rollercoasters. Knex works MUCH better for constructions like this.

  • @balesplace
    @balesplace 3 года назад +176

    I’m just so confused as to how your cats didn’t immediately destroy any and all progress, mine would just topple it, eat all of the legos, and bask in the chaos.

    • @rioriorio17
      @rioriorio17 3 года назад +2

      I was thinking the same thing

    • @alessandrocignacco6935
      @alessandrocignacco6935 3 года назад +5

      @@rioriorio17 yes me too

    • @jake17141
      @jake17141 3 года назад +1

      My cat would knock it down then take the cylinder pieces and play soccer with it

  • @grahamfrancis9815
    @grahamfrancis9815 3 года назад +28

    This guy deserves 100% to be on a Lego Masters!

  • @ashwolftheva2891
    @ashwolftheva2891 3 года назад +33

    Can we just appreciate that it’s this mans JOB to live out our childhood fantasies of building a HUGE Lego coaster or a really cool Lego train? God I wish this coaster was real.

    • @S_fey
      @S_fey 3 года назад


  • @Laylaaa0630
    @Laylaaa0630 Год назад +2

    That final ride was AMAZING!!! Hahaha 😭 I felt sick, nauseous, and delighted all at once! Was smiling the whole time!!!! Awesome awesome Lego build!

  • @loreermejo
    @loreermejo 3 года назад +200

    Really an amazing build! A couple suggestions for the next ones:
    -When making loops, always avoid circles. It makes G force go apeshit. Try with drop shapes instead! Real rollercoasters always opt for this solution. The ones that don't kill the riders, at least.
    -Triangles are your friend! They distribute weight more evenly than squares (which tend to deform) so they can sustain a lot more stress. Most real structures adopt this solution to maximize support and minimize weight.
    I hope you find this Intel useful ;)

    • @JadedThrone957
      @JadedThrone957 3 года назад +2


    • @ODDinaryPerson
      @ODDinaryPerson 3 года назад +1

      @@JadedThrone957 ikr

      @DUUSTBUNNY 3 года назад +4

      The single word in this thing is the only one I remember and its:

    • @Fledhyris
      @Fledhyris 3 года назад +1

      @@DUUSTBUNNY It's a very important word. You do not want real roller coaster rides going apeshit!

    • @shabnumbegum2416
      @shabnumbegum2416 3 года назад +1


  • @dAn19-j418
    @dAn19-j418 3 года назад +7

    The production quality is unbelievable!!!

  • @acidalex420
    @acidalex420 3 года назад +12

    Your dedication to this is more than anything I’ve ever been dedicated to in my life. It’s kind of amazing that you have the motivation, good for you.

  • @nefarious012
    @nefarious012 Год назад +1

    It was really good and fun 🤩

  • @bluegreenskyedoze
    @bluegreenskyedoze 3 года назад +78

    I love how Chris just shoves it into the recycle bin like it happens everyday.

  • @M1styxy
    @M1styxy 3 года назад +8

    This guy had to set a world record or something. HIS BUILDS ARE THE BEST! Keep it up chris!!

  • @OzzyNelly
    @OzzyNelly 9 месяцев назад +1

    Sick coaster

  • @carterpickering8505
    @carterpickering8505 3 года назад +20

    The winner of most creative mind… Half-Asleep Chris! *clap* *clap* *clap*

  • @franchesarecool4116
    @franchesarecool4116 3 года назад +295

    Everybody laughed when he said “I’m legally obligated to say that 1 in every four rides crash”

    • @FlyingDog2332
      @FlyingDog2332 3 года назад +11

      'Good luck you will need it' reminded me of lets game it outs planet coaster video 😂

    • @degroation17
      @degroation17 3 года назад +1

      @@FlyingDog2332 lol yes i love those videos

    • @Lelelelelelelelelel377
      @Lelelelelelelelelel377 3 года назад

      If it wasin real life this thing would probably be shut down

    • @Aviator856
      @Aviator856 3 года назад

      I did

    • @jakub3830
      @jakub3830 3 года назад

      He should of said (But there is a 100% mortality rate lol)

  • @Silverpicker
    @Silverpicker 3 года назад +722

    Another masterpiece. I just can't help but go full fanboy in the comments section when you do these incredible projects 😂

  • @notleiaanimates
    @notleiaanimates Год назад

    That was the COOLEST THING I've ever seen!!!

  • @JellyBeantheCorgi
    @JellyBeantheCorgi 3 года назад +25

    I’ve been waiting for this one! Happy birthday Chris 😸

  • @TheClickMonger
    @TheClickMonger 2 года назад +114

    I felt motion sickness just watching this from a first person POV, but this is one of the coolest LEGO rollercoaster builds i've ever seen.

  • @tzutzy6927
    @tzutzy6927 3 года назад +22

    This man is making our childhood dreams become real!

  • @rainmed2133
    @rainmed2133 9 месяцев назад +1

    chris, you must know this one rule of architecture involving vehicles that i taught myself: GOOD STRUCTURE COMES IN THE FORM OF TRIANGLES.

  • @WJSipe1
    @WJSipe1 3 года назад +5

    I recommend watching the final product in slow motion- it really feels like you’re on the coaster!

  • @tarikdertli2481
    @tarikdertli2481 3 года назад +282

    Chris, you have outdone your self you have such a creative imaginative mindset being a truly humbling youtube content creator keep up the great work, and may I ask was that the first time Bella had used the adventure playground catio if so was it a secret easter egg however thank you very much, Chris, for your great work you have won over my imagination with your delightful work thus subscribing I endure to be a supportive community member for future events of this channel :)

    • @caseythomas1424
      @caseythomas1424 3 года назад +4

      I know and his carpentry skills are amazing

    • @loganbrown6436
      @loganbrown6436 3 года назад +3

      I subbed to help him to do stuff like this again

    • @signingoffbye
      @signingoffbye 3 года назад +2


    • @tarikdertli2481
      @tarikdertli2481 3 года назад +2

      @@signingoffbye Hi

    • @tarikdertli2481
      @tarikdertli2481 3 года назад +1

      Thank you Tom Legit I'm sorry for my poor grammar I'll keep your comment in mind thank you :)

  • @wizardforever14
    @wizardforever14 3 года назад +457

    When he said "I'm legally obligated to tell you that 1 in every 4 rides horrifically crash" and the ride started, my PC *literally CRASHED* (blue screened) a second later. I must say, please take this man's warnings seriously... 😂

    • @kingsnek7947
      @kingsnek7947 3 года назад +11

      Same! What’s up with these pcs

    • @corporate4849
      @corporate4849 3 года назад +4

      I have a gaming laptop with 16gb ram, i will have the best ride!

    • @virat82
      @virat82 3 года назад


    • @jacoopby4097
      @jacoopby4097 3 года назад


    • @GGamerLiam
      @GGamerLiam 3 года назад +2

      1 in every 4 PCs horrifically crash

  • @yorandomdudefromtheinternet
    @yorandomdudefromtheinternet Год назад +1

    That coaster was a fever dream in first person

  • @JustaRegularYoutubeChannel
    @JustaRegularYoutubeChannel 3 года назад +4

    Gotta love the background music! That was one of my favorites from your songs!
    The lights add a great touch! It makes it so much more colorful and eye-catching

  • @luckyputranto567
    @luckyputranto567 3 года назад +94

    this man really made something we basically Dreamed of when we’re a kid

  • @angelangelcutie3897
    @angelangelcutie3897 3 года назад +16

    can we all appreciate the fact this cost THREE THOUSAND POUNDS (not to mention wood and all the lights)! such an amazing video especially considering this!
    edit: to factor in lighting and wood!

  • @anitahermelin
    @anitahermelin Год назад +1

    I could watch Bella watch that rollercoaster all day 😻

    @LEGOCOOKING 2 года назад +26

    The video is great and engaging😘😘😘😘😘

  • @MocaHere
    @MocaHere 3 года назад +64

    *BELLA* is evolving!
    *BELLA* has evolved into *BELLIGHT!*

  • @zachyork9145
    @zachyork9145 3 года назад +6

    I love how you put in the effort to make this feel exactly like a roller coaster ride. I'm also surprised that 52 boxes of LEGO train track was cheaper than 10 boxes of a LEGO roller coaster. Regardless, amazing job as always Chris!

    • @pjp9383
      @pjp9383 3 года назад

      I'm guessing lumber costs upped things by quite a bit.

  • @OransGames
    @OransGames 10 месяцев назад +1

    This Would Be My Dream!

  • @rijaja
    @rijaja 3 года назад +111

    "Imagine if it was a real ride" People would die, Chris. Not because of the loop that fails 25% of the time, you could get engineers to figure that out, but because of the accelerations and decelerations that would snap everyone's neck every 5 seconds.

    • @jessica.m.thornhill2300
      @jessica.m.thornhill2300 3 года назад +23

      That’s the plan.

    • @DarraghSS
      @DarraghSS 3 года назад +7

      Excuse me W H A T

    • @WillCWilson
      @WillCWilson 3 года назад +12

      I'd hope it wouldn't run at the speed it ran at in this video, but more the speed of a regular rollercoaster so that people don't die when they ride it.

    • @kabeam5643
      @kabeam5643 3 года назад +8

      it would be slower if it were bigger, this ride is so fast because of how small the car is.

    • @shadowchrome_5226
      @shadowchrome_5226 3 года назад +3

      Oh hell yeah I wanna experience 37 gs

  • @roscoe4943
    @roscoe4943 3 года назад +37

    I’m just surprised Danielle let’s you do all this stuff straight in your living room
    Edit: the camera run where you show us what it looks like from the cart looks like a sugar rush mixed with a acid trip and a circus but it’s amazing

  • @NormalWeirdo_
    @NormalWeirdo_ 2 года назад +659

    No joke, I felt like 3/4 of a regular ride at an amusement park or something. I vote we give Chris the power to be the CEO of any and every roller coaster company.

    • @certifiedbasicbee
      @certifiedbasicbee 2 года назад +2


    • @chipsedits317
      @chipsedits317 2 года назад +2


    • @marie-pieredwards5421
      @marie-pieredwards5421 2 года назад +2

      I bet he’ll turn the Orion in Kings island Ohio into a vertical drop coaster

    • @keiyakins
      @keiyakins 2 года назад +14

      Dear God no. He failed so many basic aspects of designing a decent roller coaster - sharp unbanked turns and circular loops? Tight turnouts from tall vertical drops? This would be hell to ride.

    • @crypt5098
      @crypt5098 2 года назад +6

      @@keiyakins i agree it shouldn’t be a real ride ever but for legos, this is insane

  • @MANOA-w3m
    @MANOA-w3m Месяц назад

    Half asleep, Chris You're the best Maker in the world What is that light track? Wow, I'm impressed.😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

  • @lemonking1721
    @lemonking1721 3 года назад +147

    Neighbour: "What is that noise!?"
    Neighbour's wife: "It's just the Lego kid next door building another rollercoaster probably."

  • @MedAnimations
    @MedAnimations 3 года назад +77

    *Me after watching the video:* Wait where's the outro-
    *Everyone:* _It's Bella's eyes._

    • @AndGoatz04
      @AndGoatz04 3 года назад +3

      that cat
      has seen
      *_the next freakin' dimension_*

  • @Jon_estaban-z4o
    @Jon_estaban-z4o 2 года назад +48

    I love how much effort he puts in these videos all on his own. It’s crazy how cool this coaster looks and i think it brings out the childish part in all of us.

  • @pokemontrainer9285
    @pokemontrainer9285 5 месяцев назад +2

    I thought it was funny that you were calmly screaming while using a typewriter. I bet that most people don’t even know what a typewriter is. I love your videos good job.

  • @Alexp-cl7bu
    @Alexp-cl7bu 3 года назад +102

    The carts fall of a cliff
    Chris: yes it is a success

    • @bigounce7976
      @bigounce7976 3 года назад +1

      I mean that’s normal right

    • @ishan_p15
      @ishan_p15 3 года назад

      @@bigounce7976 Yes Kermit, it is...😌

    • @runitsacow
      @runitsacow 3 года назад +1

      I thought you said the cats fall off of the cliff

    • @randomnotes4258
      @randomnotes4258 3 года назад

      @@runitsacow oh..

    • @randomnotes4258
      @randomnotes4258 3 года назад

      @@runitsacow uh..

  • @karenmongey6823
    @karenmongey6823 3 года назад +7

    Hi Chris, I come from the land down under and I found out that a second Great Australian Coin Hunt has been released and was wondering if you are going to make a video on it (they have some very random ones and some are great references!) Also i'm a huge fan, i've been watching since Reggie was around (Rest In Piece)