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Jun 6, 2024 8:53 AM

Nov 2011
Finally, instead of throwing anger and fists at each other, there's now hope of friendship. Characters in this show can change after all.

Good to honestly see the cast in high spirits. That previous fight had a lot of emotions but now, there's celebration. Definitely very curious about what they have planned for Haruka. His reactions were priceless and he almost got into a fight, all in lighthearted style. Funny shit.
Jun 6, 2024 8:54 AM

Dec 2021
It's time to party.

Umemiya declared to Tomiyama, who was ready to concede defeat and hand over the Shishitoren, that from that day on, they were friends. While everyone, including Bofurin and Shishitoren, was taken aback, they proceeded with the conversation and started a "party" by bringing dishes to share. Despite having been fighting just moments ago, the atmosphere was one of camaraderie that Sakura couldn't believe. It was a great confusion for him, but he realized that Togame and Tomiyama were repenting sincerely, and they were able to communicate without resorting to violence. And through this series of events, Sakura's view of "the top" began to change little by little.

Idk about y'all, but to me, this shounen is really pushing the shoujo tag. That conversation was seriously wholesome, ngl. A little too wholesome. Also, I find it ironic that these guys attend school but don't study, while Tachibana, who manages a shop and doesn't go to school, still finds time to study. This episode was slower and calmer compared to the last few, but it makes sense since it's the aftermath of the tournament arc. We do see some character development for Sakura near the end. It was about time he realized what "the top" really meant and whether it was worth it. I think they handled it pretty well tbh.

Sakura has overcome his first challenge to becoming the leader... that is, if he continues to pursue that dream.

Jun 6, 2024 8:54 AM

May 2020
Yeah but wait, he was bitten on his neck right? Quite brutally too, so are we sure he doesn’t need medical attention and should keep acting like an anime-ish strong airheaded guy while throwing philosophies which should rather come out of the mouth of a sixty-year old man????

Also lol, all this talk about protecting this town and townsfolk while being a leader who ain’t alone, is hilariously stupid when we just look at the real picture and realize they’re still in school. Not sure how much of this sweet and reasonable talk could get through Sakura’s thick skull, and his one-tone backstory, but at least these people won’t stop in their attempts, not any time soon.
Jun 6, 2024 8:54 AM
Dec 2020
Filler ahh episode + I’m getting more and more disappointed each episode.
They forgave shishitoren scums like they didn’t try to kill furin students for the past 7 episodes.
Also do y’all remember when Tokyo Revengers was releasing weekly, there were a loud community complaining about the lack of police and parents? Even though that show actually SHOWED police several times. Meanwhile this show doesn’t have a single adult in it let alone a police or teacher yet no one complains about it or is allowed to criticize it because according to redditors/twitter nerds this is the best delinquent(lol) anime created in the last decade.
Humans are gullible creatures they easily get deceived by flashy colors.
Therefore I take the “carried by animation” crown from demon slayer and give it to fart breaker.
Congratulations *insert evangelion gif*
fragariamemoriesJun 6, 2024 3:38 PM
Jun 6, 2024 11:31 AM

Jul 2021
IzanaSolos said:
Idk about y'all, but to me, this shounen is really pushing the shoujo tag. That conversation was seriously wholesome, ngl. A little too wholesome.

You might be right, actually.

I couldn't put my finger on why I didn't dislike this "let's shake hands and have a meal together" ending that much. The conversations have been been repetitive and not too original or deep, but they felt really sincere and positive, between likable characters to boot.

I'm kind of impressed that the show wasn't afraid to slow down this much and actually have a talk. A lot of people will probably call this episode "filler", but I think it was a decent use of the runtime and made the show more endearing to me.
Jun 6, 2024 11:33 AM

Apr 2023
Even though I really want to see more of Bofurin's characters, especially Sakura's classmates, I would hate to miss Umehara's voice... I'll be praying Togame and Sakura become besties in the near future
Jun 6, 2024 11:43 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to fragariamemories
Filler ahh episode + I’m getting more and more disappointed each episode.
They forgave shishitoren scums like they didn’t try to kill furin students for the past 7 episodes.
Also do y’all remember when Tokyo Revengers was releasing weekly, there were a loud community complaining about the lack of police and parents? Even though that show actually SHOWED police several times. Meanwhile this show doesn’t have a single adult in it let alone a police or teacher yet no one complains about it or is allowed to criticize it because according to redditors/twitter nerds this is the best delinquent(lol) anime created in the last decade.
Humans are gullible creatures they easily get deceived by flashy colors.
Therefore I take the “carried by animation” crown from demon slayer and give it to fart breaker.
Congratulations *insert evangelion gif*
akixangel said:
Meanwhile this show doesn’t have a single adult in it let alone a police or teacher yet no one complains about it or is allowed to criticize it because according to redditors/twitter nerds this is the best delinquent(lol) show created in the last decade.

I gave up on the idea that this show is a delinquent anime pretty quickly, and I could enjoy this more because of that.

I'm treating this as a post-apocalyptic action drama, something like Mad Max or Heavenly Delusion. Or even a Western, like The Magnificent Seven.

I'm imagining the government and the rule of law have completely collapsed, and everyone's left to fend for themselves. Honest, hard-working folk are at the mercy of roving bandits, kids are either orphans or abandoned, schools are just big buildings that anyone can use as their base. Mysterious outlaws with a heart of gold happen to pass by and decide to help out the powerless.

I don't understand why the show itself didn't take this route, but it makes a lot of sense in my head.
perseiiJun 6, 2024 11:53 AM
Jun 6, 2024 11:44 AM

Oct 2017
Great to see Kotoha chan, was missing her. Sakura still acting like a tsundere is funny. Umemiya's a great guy. Like Gojou he's at the top but unlike Gojou who's all alone there Umemiya's there with everyone.
Jun 6, 2024 12:16 PM
Jul 2023
i'd give this series an 11/10 if i could.
Jun 6, 2024 12:29 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to perseii
akixangel said:
Meanwhile this show doesn’t have a single adult in it let alone a police or teacher yet no one complains about it or is allowed to criticize it because according to redditors/twitter nerds this is the best delinquent(lol) show created in the last decade.

I gave up on the idea that this show is a delinquent anime pretty quickly, and I could enjoy this more because of that.

I'm treating this as a post-apocalyptic action drama, something like Mad Max or Heavenly Delusion. Or even a Western, like The Magnificent Seven.

I'm imagining the government and the rule of law have completely collapsed, and everyone's left to fend for themselves. Honest, hard-working folk are at the mercy of roving bandits, kids are either orphans or abandoned, schools are just big buildings that anyone can use as their base. Mysterious outlaws with a heart of gold happen to pass by and decide to help out the powerless.

I don't understand why the show itself didn't take this route, but it makes a lot of sense in my head.
@perseii "This town is poor and used to have a high crime rate so the police just look the other way" is a less complicated explanation than post apocalypse

I'm not really sure what we want the police to do here. They had a five person fight tournament in an abandoned movie theater.
Jun 6, 2024 12:39 PM
Apr 2023
The first half with Mikey Jr. and the gang having a rooftop meal together was fun and sweet, and I kind of liked the relaxed and reflective vibes after the few episodes of the cinema fight ring.

In the second half of the episode, it then went right back to the tsundere main character when they were in the café, but was still mostly fun nonetheless.
Jun 6, 2024 1:06 PM

Feb 2016
Togame went from son of a bitch face to good boy in a bad moment face in 3 episodes.
Jun 6, 2024 1:16 PM
May 2024
was a devlopement episode, whitch is always welcome but this episode was not for me sorry
Jun 6, 2024 1:26 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good episode

Sakura is or should i say was a lonely wolf...
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Jun 6, 2024 2:12 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to OrielBel
@perseii "This town is poor and used to have a high crime rate so the police just look the other way" is a less complicated explanation than post apocalypse

I'm not really sure what we want the police to do here. They had a five person fight tournament in an abandoned movie theater.
OrielBel said:
"This town is poor and used to have a high crime rate so the police just look the other way"

Is that a less complicated explanation, though?

Setting the story in the post-apocalypse frees up the story from a lot of expectations and "rules." And it keeps the story focused on what it cares about, i.e. the action and the characters.

As one example, I would expect actual criminals to run this town if this is a "normal" town without police presence. Like the yakuza. Grown-ups, not some kids.

The story just raises too many questions like this one, as long as the writers frame this as modern-day Japan. I think it would be easier if the writers just came out and said, "most of the adults are either dead or gone; it's just us kids now who can protect the town."

But that's just what works for me. If the "police looking the other way" plot point helps you get on-board with the story, that's great.
Jun 6, 2024 3:06 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to perseii
OrielBel said:
"This town is poor and used to have a high crime rate so the police just look the other way"

Is that a less complicated explanation, though?

Setting the story in the post-apocalypse frees up the story from a lot of expectations and "rules." And it keeps the story focused on what it cares about, i.e. the action and the characters.

As one example, I would expect actual criminals to run this town if this is a "normal" town without police presence. Like the yakuza. Grown-ups, not some kids.

The story just raises too many questions like this one, as long as the writers frame this as modern-day Japan. I think it would be easier if the writers just came out and said, "most of the adults are either dead or gone; it's just us kids now who can protect the town."

But that's just what works for me. If the "police looking the other way" plot point helps you get on-board with the story, that's great.
@perseii Yeah, I totally agree. No way the government does NOTHING at all.
Anyways Sakuya is really bone headed; I get that he's a kid and didn't have the best past but there is no reason to flip out all the time at even the most marginal of kindness.
Jun 6, 2024 3:10 PM

Jun 2008
- Umemiya is all about friends and food
- Choji is still the least interesting chara along with Sugishita
- Kotoha and Suo are underutilized
- I wanted more moments between Hiiragi and Sako
- TogaSaku is already a thing 😏

The shoujo/slice of life vibes are strong in WB since the beginning and blatant in this ep (not a filler, fyi) which is basically cute boys doing cute things. This can be refreshing to some viewers bored with other shounen and frustrating for those who want manly action and a fast pace. Bottom line: pick one side, act accordingly and stop bitching.

watching, waiting, commiserating
Jun 6, 2024 4:01 PM
Oct 2016
The after party shall commence! Umemiya with the great idea to bond more over food with Choji and Togame. Despite all the hard hits Umemiya doesn't have any hard feelings towards at Shishitoren. This was app basically a misunderstanding that got escalated, it did need to be done though for sure. Choji had become so opposite to what he started out as that Umemiya had to step in to correct things. Their gathering this episode is the perfect palette cleanser, bringing everyone together after such a dust up is important for solidifying future friendship. Umemiya is all about bringing people together and this is the perfect example of that. Choji seeing the error of his ways but not knowing how to go about fixing things was sad, but he's got Togame by his side so I'm sure those two can rebuild Shishitoren. Umemiya explaining to Sakura about how he got to the top was great. How he didn't even aim for the top he just wanted to help people and happened to end up in the top spot. A purely selfless goal that by virtue of everyone supporting him propelled Umemiya to the top of Bofurin. Sakura piecing all of the words spoken to him about how he can't be alone to reach his goals. But since he's been alone this whole time that's tough for Sakura to accept. His conversation with Togame really showed Sakura there's a way he can connect to people. Umemiya is right that you have to face people head on.
Jun 6, 2024 4:06 PM

Nov 2016
Nice wrap up to the battle. Now if this is like old delinquent anime we're gonna meet some new classmates and senpai next, followed by a new rivaling school/gang.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 6, 2024 4:45 PM

Mar 2021
Ume would be such an amazing manager. He really does look out for others and wants to help mentor people, recognizing that others helped him when he wanted to rise up too. :)

"Let's have an after-party!" *proceeds to exclude almost all of Shishitoren after getting take-out recs from them* *makes that middle-schooler wait even longer* oof

The *real* top of Bofurin XD
Jun 6, 2024 5:07 PM
May 2017
good closure episode to the lion's head arc, now we are at 3 episodes left...what now? mini arc to close it out I guess
Jun 6, 2024 5:39 PM
Pirate King
Feb 2021
Well it was a good closure to the fight and a nice welcoming party for Sakura. Looking forward to what the next 3 episodes have in store for us
Jun 6, 2024 6:08 PM
Oct 2013
OK, It's already 10 episodes in, I like Wind Breaker, but probably the highest cringefest this season have. Mostly coming from dialogues, I mean most of their dialogues can be cut and still make the intent known tbf, Hell, if you want to include they can verbalize it as their internal thoughts. This probably make sense in manga medium but when translate into anime it feels jarring to outright cringe tbf. I always dreaded the anime part of when there's no fighting due to this issues which is weird since in most fighting battle shounen, this is the part where I look forward the most.
I cannot bring myself to rate anime that I have completed below 5. Well, it just because I have use up my precious time to watch it. so, the worse you will get from me is 5 (changes may apply)
Jun 6, 2024 7:32 PM

Apr 2022
underwhelming but not at least it wasn't as trash as the last few episodes. we'll see if the remaining episodes have anything to say about that.
Jun 6, 2024 8:23 PM

Sep 2018
Ugh, this crap is too sappy and cheesy for me lol, had to lower my score after these two previous episodes.
Jun 6, 2024 8:35 PM

May 2019
This episode was a bit slower than the previous ones but it was still decent. Sakura realizing that he'll need others to reach the top was an eye opener for him.
Jun 6, 2024 8:37 PM

Oct 2022
It was a very relaxing episode after these cool fights, Sakura is on his way to change and become the best version of himself and this whole team is helping him achieve that. Love these types of episodes where you can feel these good vibes and the MC is growing.
Jun 6, 2024 8:58 PM

Jul 2008
Your move Sakura, your move.
Jun 6, 2024 9:01 PM
May 2023
Very good episode, refreshing and to accommodate everything that happened and for those who only come for the action, watching this episode was probably very meh but as I have said on some occasions... there will not always be action, sometimes you have to relax to go back up (something normal in series, anime, movies, etc.)
I really like Umemiya and she reminds me so much of other characters that I have in my favorites and I hope that Choji and Togame end up solving their problems

PS: It's true what they say after the ED... umemiya is not the real leader haha

PS2: Sakurama calm down, I also literally understood what talking with your fists haha
Jun 6, 2024 10:02 PM
Feb 2024
Wind Breaker viewers: I hate that there’s no adult role models or police, it’s so unrealistic!

Also Wind Breaker: *teenage boys punching and kicking each other across the room*
Jun 6, 2024 10:47 PM
Oct 2023
I think the peak of this anime already hitted in fights, so its just feels like filler eps
Jun 7, 2024 12:34 AM
Feb 2015
wholesome episode,

You can't become the top just from strength alone, you need help from other for it.

Sakura unconsciously a good boy, he deserved a pat or twice of it. Gang is like an organization then, need to build bond of trust first and that's what Choji lost
jumbosanJun 7, 2024 12:42 AM
Jun 7, 2024 12:51 AM

Oct 2022
Umemiya is such a good leader, no wonder why everyone loves and admires him even Sakura is starting to.

It must have been hard for Sakura being all alone this whole time :( but I'm glad he's finally surrounded by people who care about him and hopefully he will open up to them little by little. I'm excited to see his development
Jun 7, 2024 1:57 AM

May 2022
communicating with the fight, not just physically but also mentally. Knowing the opponent, seeing how he struggles and being able to understand how valuable or not his fists are.

Jun 7, 2024 3:15 AM
Jul 2023
Fights with no actual reason for fighting. Stopping the fight with no actual reason for stopping. wth is this?
I'm definitely dropping this.
Jun 7, 2024 4:52 AM

Oct 2020
Umemiya is very weird, but wise to teach Sakura a lesson in teamwork.

Jun 7, 2024 6:22 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to Softhenic03
Yeah but wait, he was bitten on his neck right? Quite brutally too, so are we sure he doesn’t need medical attention and should keep acting like an anime-ish strong airheaded guy while throwing philosophies which should rather come out of the mouth of a sixty-year old man????

Also lol, all this talk about protecting this town and townsfolk while being a leader who ain’t alone, is hilariously stupid when we just look at the real picture and realize they’re still in school. Not sure how much of this sweet and reasonable talk could get through Sakura’s thick skull, and his one-tone backstory, but at least these people won’t stop in their attempts, not any time soon.

He shiould absolutely be going to the hospital after being bitten on the neck by another human.
Jun 7, 2024 7:30 AM

Jun 2020
Lol, the post credit scene. The real Bofurin's Leader is Kotoha indeed xD
Jun 7, 2024 8:57 AM
Mar 2015
You have to have an afterparty after the fight
Jun 7, 2024 9:21 AM
Oct 2019
It was a good conclusion, I liked the ending of the fight and I want to see more interactions between them
Jun 7, 2024 9:31 AM

Feb 2020
Shivering end especially since the talk about conversing with fist kinda goes to ... well .... But at least those post credit part open my eyes. Damn no fucking way.

Wish to know how and by who they've got patched up, post credit part might reveal those behind-the-scene a bit. Tho its all fine by how things end up.

Idk how they wrap up the rest. Since this can be act as the final concluded episode of the season. Cloverwork, can they not messing up?
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 7, 2024 9:45 AM
Mar 2023
This show is starting to get quite irritating with how often it beats you over the head with the same morals over and over again. The entire "I'm happy because I have my friends with me" thing is already something we've figured out last episode. I don't see why they felt the need to dedicate a full episode to repeating that message again.
Jun 7, 2024 11:24 AM

Jun 2019
I guess they're all friends now which is good. Kotoha is back as well and she is cute as always. Like the title suggested, this whole episode was 'DIALOGUE'.
Jun 7, 2024 11:28 AM
Apr 2024
I've already read the manga and seeing the anime showing the most emotional moments with incredible background music, I cried the entire episode, Togame and Choji returning to normal was beautiful, Sakura worrying about them and I finally understand that she needs others to be the leader, because the leader is not always the strongest, but rather the most loved and respected. That being said, Umemiya is incredible, every time he speaks, it's a class
Jun 7, 2024 3:03 PM
Apr 2019
Reply to perseii
akixangel said:
Meanwhile this show doesn’t have a single adult in it let alone a police or teacher yet no one complains about it or is allowed to criticize it because according to redditors/twitter nerds this is the best delinquent(lol) show created in the last decade.

I gave up on the idea that this show is a delinquent anime pretty quickly, and I could enjoy this more because of that.

I'm treating this as a post-apocalyptic action drama, something like Mad Max or Heavenly Delusion. Or even a Western, like The Magnificent Seven.

I'm imagining the government and the rule of law have completely collapsed, and everyone's left to fend for themselves. Honest, hard-working folk are at the mercy of roving bandits, kids are either orphans or abandoned, schools are just big buildings that anyone can use as their base. Mysterious outlaws with a heart of gold happen to pass by and decide to help out the powerless.

I don't understand why the show itself didn't take this route, but it makes a lot of sense in my head.
@perseii I get where youre coming from but have you considered rather than a delinquent anime, this is actually a sports anime and the sport is street fighting/delinquency?
MC goes to a 'top' school and aims to be number 1, theres a tournament arc with another team they have a history with and theyve forgotten what the 'sport' was really about
Hence why no police or teachers and stuff
Jun 7, 2024 8:30 PM
Feb 2019
loved it very much reply
Jun 7, 2024 11:45 PM
Jan 2023
Jun 8, 2024 3:48 AM

Jan 2017
Umemiya 🖤🖤🖤
Jun 8, 2024 5:16 AM
Dec 2023
Finally peace ✌️
Jun 8, 2024 6:35 AM

Jul 2011
Sakura is so cute when he talks with Ume-chan~
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