The Cozette Dress Pattern Tutorial

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • This is for the Cozette Dress PDF Pattern that you can purchase on my Etsy shop by clicking the link below:
    Sewing Steps:
    1:18 - Step 1
    1:40 - Step 2
    1:57 - Step 3
    2:04 - Step 4
    2:19 - Step 5
    6:56 - Step 6
    8:20 - Step 7
    9:20 - Step 8
    9:51 - Step 9
    10:14 - Step 10
    25:30 - Step 11
    26:17 - Step 12
    26:51 - Step 13
    27:02 - Step 14
    27:45 - Step 15
    27:52 - Step 16
    28:10 - Step 17
  • ХоббиХобби

Комментарии • 56

  • @SPDcru
    @SPDcru Год назад +8

    I have been eyeing this dress pattern on etsy! Thank you for the tutorial, this will be very helpful since I'm a beginner and following written patterns can be a little difficult for me!

  • @JessJeans
    @JessJeans Год назад +1

    I’m starting on this dress this weekend and cant wait to make it and have it ready for spring!

  • @alysaeidmann2642
    @alysaeidmann2642 8 месяцев назад +1

    I've been eyeballing this pattern for MONTHS and I finally bought it and it is a joy! The dress is coming along perfectly and I personally don't have a problem with this tutorial, I felt that your advice on sewing in the panels was very useful!
    I will definitely be purchasing more patterns from you in the future. 😊 Please keep up the excellent work!

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much❤️🙏🏼

  • @carolshaw4090
    @carolshaw4090 Год назад +55

    I wished this dress was a lighter color so i can see what you are doing. I wish you show the finished so I can see how it looks at the end.

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад +17

      ugh yes, thinking of redoing some of it because Im coming out with a maternity version soon and its sewn together exactly the same it's just a shorter empire waist bodice.

  • @rhiannonlocke2695
    @rhiannonlocke2695 10 месяцев назад +9

    Constructive suggestion: Rather than color coding, it would be more user-friendly to indicate size with various dashed line patterns. We don't all have access to color printing. Beautiful dress, btw.

    • @abbyviton2218
      @abbyviton2218 10 месяцев назад

      The pattern is layered so that if you open the pdf you can hide all but your size, no color printing needed!

    • @kaylemulrenin
      @kaylemulrenin 3 месяца назад

      @@abbyviton2218 is this only if you have adobe or photoshop? I'm having trouble finding the layers by just opening the pdf

  • @milkovichadventures7954
    @milkovichadventures7954 Год назад +13

    Gorgeous dress. But the tutorial should definitely be more in depth. A beginner would be able to do this if the tutorial was more in depth and the fabric was lighter. It is an amazing design though!

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  11 месяцев назад +1

      I’m sorry, that’s why I state on the pattern that it’s intermediate

    • @bayleebaker4689
      @bayleebaker4689 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@allimaryeit says enthusiast beginner on the pattern

    • @Shirumoon
      @Shirumoon 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@bayleebaker4689 Exactly. Must be for marketing purposes to call everything "beginner" but as a costumer, I don't appreciate that. Don't want to pay for a sewing pattern that's beyond my current skillset.

  • @AngieGorringe
    @AngieGorringe 8 месяцев назад +1

    First off very excited to make this dress!!
    Second, you may be very busy but if you do find the time could you make a more in depth video... I know you say it is a pattern for a more skilled person. But personally this is my second project because over all I thought this would be a easy step by step project (and it is so far till I ran out of fabric (laughing emoji)).. I was just curious what the reason is for having four side panels? Does it make the skirt more poofy? Could I make do with just one? Please get back to me as soon as you can.
    Again thank you for a great pattern very excited to see the finish look!

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  5 месяцев назад

      Hey Angie sorry for the late reply! You can do one panel if you wish but there will be less volume and swish

  • @SophiaEuphia
    @SophiaEuphia 11 месяцев назад +2

    I’m wanting to make this dress, but I would need to make it floor length. Do you have an extended version of this or should I just adjust the pattern?

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  11 месяцев назад

      You can just add a few inches to the hem! Should be really simple!

  • @meredithrizzo
    @meredithrizzo 10 месяцев назад +2

    hardest part of this so far has been assembling the PDF! LOL!

  • @emm6724
    @emm6724 11 месяцев назад +2

    I'm at the part where I'm supposed to sew the straps and neckline. It's written that everything else is a one inch seam but what is the neckline seam? I cannot find it in the instructions and cannot proceed until I know. Thanks

    • @gdedmonds2001
      @gdedmonds2001 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  11 месяцев назад +2

      The straps and neckline are only 1/4”

    • @elizabetharellano1199
      @elizabetharellano1199 3 месяца назад

      Do you happen to know if the patrón includes seam allowance, or if a have to add it?

  • @taylormmmf
    @taylormmmf 5 месяцев назад +1

    I am pretty new and running into a problem and I’m thinking I made a mistake or I’m not understanding something - for step 7 where you have the right side of the bodice lining facing the right side of the bodice shell - my bodice lining and shell are exact replicas of each other and when I try to have the right sides facing, lining up at the front panel for example, they don’t mirror eachother because the back panel is sewed onto the same side. Does that make sense? Was I supposed to maybe have one of them have the back sewed on the other side? 😅

    • @leybobobbins
      @leybobobbins 5 месяцев назад

      yes same! did you unpick and resew either the lining or bodice shell to the other side? or just sew together so the lining darts will be 'on show' i.e. not hidden

    • @taylormmmf
      @taylormmmf 5 месяцев назад

      @@leybobobbins I’m glad I’m not alone! I was like how did I manage that!? I think I’m just going to do wrong side on show unfortunately because this is my first project and I don’t want to risk damaging the fabric taking the row of stitches (and backstitched at either edge) out.

    • @taylormmmf
      @taylormmmf 5 месяцев назад

      @@leybobobbins did you by chance also find that the side-back panel (that has the back strap attached) was longer than the side of the front panel piece that it attaches to since it has a dart sewn in? I compared the actual pattern paper and found the same, that when you pull the together like you do with the fabric, it is shorter. But nobody else has said that so wondering if there’s something I should have done or realized that I missed.

    • @leybobobbins
      @leybobobbins 5 месяцев назад

      @@taylormmmf I think I found it was a 1-2cm longer but not too much longer.. I'm finding this rather challenging 😅

  • @mezzokf
    @mezzokf 8 месяцев назад

    I want to make this for a wedding I'm going to, but strapless, could I add boning to the seams and make it out of something like taffeta?

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  5 месяцев назад

      Yes boning will keep it up and in place. I’d swap the bodice with the Lola dress though so the boning can follow the princess seam lines. You can cut off the Lola straps and make it strapless as well

  • @syro6644
    @syro6644 Год назад +7

    I stumbled up on this channel and love the dress ❤ but the I will probably never be able to use the video when sewing it beside from when you were showing the attatchment of the skirtpanels together.
    Why? Cause the fabric you used was too dark and the light was sucked up in it. I could not tell where any seam was sewn or pin was placed 😢
    Please consider another colourchoice next time so we actually see what is going on. 😂

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад +1

      I definitely should’ve chosen different fabric! But the pattern packets comes with illustrated instructions as well which help a ton, they should be used in conjunction with the video :)

  • @megu5854
    @megu5854 Год назад +7

    Imagine this with pockets

    • @babymitochondria
      @babymitochondria 9 месяцев назад +1

      I'm making mine with pockets! bernadette banner has a fab tutorial, it's sooooo easy

    • @desiraemaupin
      @desiraemaupin 12 часов назад

      @@babymitochondria How did it turn out? I'm wanting to start mine and pockets are a need

    • @babymitochondria
      @babymitochondria 5 часов назад +1

      @@desiraemaupin really good! The side seams are an ideal spot to slot pockets in and they look quite invisible bc of the volume of the skirt. Highly recommend!

    • @desiraemaupin
      @desiraemaupin Час назад +1

      @ thank you! So excited to try it

  • @georgiaaarose
    @georgiaaarose Год назад

    What kind of fabric did you use for the white dress you were wearing at the end please?

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад +2

      Unbleached cotton muslin

  • @caitlynsnyder9119
    @caitlynsnyder9119 8 месяцев назад

    What seam allowance is required to sew the lining to the shell? Because i see you are doing a 1/4 th but the instructions dont have a altered seam allowance and the straps are coming out very thin compared to your muslin version

    • @caitlynsnyder9119
      @caitlynsnyder9119 8 месяцев назад

      I am also sewing the maternity version

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  5 месяцев назад

      It’s a 1/4” seam allowance, sorry for the confusion. It should be written on each pattern piece

  • @jorjacranmer6933
    @jorjacranmer6933 Год назад

    do you have a chart for how much fabric you need based on size? I see that you note that the amount of fabric varies but by how much?

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад

      Hello, it varies by a nominal amount, most of the yardage goes towards the fabric in the skirt and on the straps and the difference between a XXS and a 7XL is like 4-6 inches off the top of my head. Basically the strap length and skirt length only change by a little its mostly width thats affected by the larger sizes, in which case a wider bolt of fabric is necessary for the largest sizes.

  • @ChairRoll
    @ChairRoll Год назад

    how did you finish the lining of the bodice and avoid the bulk along the waistline?

    • @gretalozada3929
      @gretalozada3929 Год назад +1

      My advice is to make the hips a little less gathered than the front and back. I'm currently trying to figure that out too, but I ordered grosgrain ribbon so I could stabilize my waistline, because it's a medium-weight fabric so it's a little heavier... hope that helps a bit!

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад +1

      I push all the seam allowance down into the skirt, I don't encase the skirt gathers into the bodice. I serge the bottom of each bodice separately to do the sandwiched zipper.

    • @gdedmonds2001
      @gdedmonds2001 11 месяцев назад

      Also using a sewing clapper will lay the material flat….

  • @TaylaSirin
    @TaylaSirin Год назад

    How much fabric do I need for this pattern I don’t see it anywhere 😅

    • @allimarye
      @allimarye  Год назад

      Hello! Everything is in the packet, it should be on the page with the cutting layouts I believe

  • @gdedmonds2001
    @gdedmonds2001 Год назад +6

    It’s a nice dress.
    However your instructions and video together are not enough. The color choice and not from beginning to end in the video. And the printed out instructions are vague leaving one guessing and trying to figure out what’s next.
    Searching out someone who has sewed this dress and I will post it here. Taking hours when should not …….,

    • @gdedmonds2001
      @gdedmonds2001 Год назад +2

      @@allimarye Thank you for replying, I do sew over 40 years. Once again it’s a beautiful design. My daughter and I finished the dress. I will be sewing again for changing some of the sewing order. Inserting the extra pleats , sew down side’s first leaving the seam allowance, when the top is sewn it’s a straight stitch across and a perfect square. While we were constructing it was frustrating because the sew order was not feeling professional. The invisible zipper needs to be sewn sooner etc…. Also the strap placement in back varies, it should most definitely be separate from bodice. Very beautiful design….

    • @emm6724
      @emm6724 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@gdedmonds2001 I'd love to know how you did it

    • @gdedmonds2001
      @gdedmonds2001 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@emm6724 will most definitely upload a video. Especially for inserting pleats on side. Which would be sewing the sides seams starting 1/2 inch down (the seam allowance..) then just sew across the top. Because of the way it’s cut when lining up the top there’s some flexibility there and it will align perfectly….Also , the straps should be attached separately, the placement does not give enough to accommodate wide backs. I will also add boning in the bodice.The dress is absolutely beautiful, the circumference is roughly 20 feet, the flow is beautiful….

    • @mamabear7243
      @mamabear7243 2 месяца назад

      @@gdedmonds2001did you post a video???

  • @Natskuw
    @Natskuw 10 месяцев назад

    When I have fitted the dress so it fits across the boobs and around my ribcage there is a huge gap above my boobs. Does anyone know how to alter the pattern to fix this issue?

    • @cicicat13
      @cicicat13 9 месяцев назад

      You probably will have to adjust the chest darts!