Sommer Ray has 22 million instagram followers because she shows off her fat ass in various slutty workout outfits…working out…like a workout influencer…who probably doesn’t even know how to workout properly…but who knows how to show off her ass properly while pretending to workout properly so that it seems less slutty or shameless even if it is and who cares if it is…have you left the house recently? I have…and it is fucking crazy. No wonder there’s a rape culture happening, how the fuck are dudes to control themselves on a barebones hormonal level…when girls dress like that…it’s not an asking for it situation, but it’s a don’t rely on men to control themselves….even the nicest dude can turn into a predator with one drink and one thonged ass walking around a park late at night…be careful ladies…men are pigs…and you are the content producers giving men what they want…
We are programmed to want to put sperm in women….on an ANIMALISTIC level…and girls are going to be walking around like this, or posing in front of self timer cam to create content for dudes to jerk off to and assume that the same response doesn’t happen in real life…..
So you’ll produce content like this that out of 22 million followers – a lot are jerking off to….and you’ll leave the house like this and not expect the same reaction you’re BEGGING for online….like it’s ok on the internet but not in real life? And if it does happen in real life you blame dudes for not being decent…of course they aren’t decent – they are dudes…and you’ll inspire other girls who want the followers to dress like this who want the the same reaction…who will also complain when men perv or creep on them in person?
The only hope they have is that all dudes have overly masturbated and can’t be horny in public cuz they are all dried up…
Now remember, if you want to be treated like a lady by all people, don’t be an ANUS on INSTAGRAM model…and if you are expect the creeps they are thee majority of your fans.

Posted in:SFW|Sommer Ray