Set up a new Surface Laptop 7 for Software Development

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 454

  • @AZisk
    @AZisk  9 месяцев назад +28

    This episode is sponsored by channel members - thank you members. Join here:

    • @AdamsTaiwan
      @AdamsTaiwan 9 месяцев назад

      Have you tried running Azure Data Studio instead of SMSS?

    • @265Entertainment
      @265Entertainment 9 месяцев назад

      You proud follower share a laptop if you can 🙏🏾

    • @I_LOVE_GIRLS99
      @I_LOVE_GIRLS99 4 месяца назад

      Nuke S a mac😊🎉

  • @lee2k137
    @lee2k137 9 месяцев назад +306

    This is exactly what developers need when buying a new laptop, not running meaningless cinebench tests. The best youtube channel on youtube I've ever seen for developers

    • @derallli1
      @derallli1 8 месяцев назад +3

      Well, many developers will probably opt for installing Linux right away on their own laptop. WSLv2 is better than nothing, but Windows 11 is so much more annoying than Windows 10 ever was, it is not even funny at this point any more.
      On the company Laptop however (where you are forced to not use Linux), those settings are super useful.

    • @TommieHansen
      @TommieHansen 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@derallli1 And Windows 10 is more annoying then 8 and 8 more annoying then 7. There's somewhat of a pattern. :)

    • @wake-digital
      @wake-digital 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@derallli1 Well these new ARM devices aren't yet supported that well by open source solutions. That's why so far the most optimal choice is to just run the big brotha OS and use as much as you can via WSL

    • @derallli1
      @derallli1 7 месяцев назад

      @@wake-digital But Arm stays Arm, WSL is not an emulation

    • @wake-digital
      @wake-digital 7 месяцев назад

      @@derallli1 yes but with Windows and WSL, you can leverage the fact that you have Windows support + the compatibility layer to fill in the gaps where Linux doesn't have support yet.
      But if you were to use only aarch64 Linux, I suppose you'd run into some trouble with cetrain app/things since I suppose there isn't the option to run x86 and x64 (and that is assuming you are able to run a Linux distro on an ARM laptop in the first place)

  • @chlky0001
    @chlky0001 9 месяцев назад +149

    Best snapdragon x elite laptop review. There are 1000 and 1 benchmark testings but this is the only one developer environment setup video I have seen so far, answered so many questions

    • @johnbreaker3874
      @johnbreaker3874 9 месяцев назад +14

      because most of 'reviewers' isn't reviewer, that why they need benchmark, cuz they don't know what to do tho

    • @Renovatio2142
      @Renovatio2142 9 месяцев назад +1

      I would like to see performing this device in PLC programming area like tia portal or codesys...

  • @topticktom
    @topticktom 9 месяцев назад +99

    I think the highest performing machine in that video is you Alex! Thanks for the great and entertaining videos throughout the last few years!

  • @Juttekatoo
    @Juttekatoo 9 месяцев назад +31

    Finally someone said it! 'Semicolon is the only proper way to write JS' ! Great Vid Alex!

  • @_JoydeepMallick
    @_JoydeepMallick 9 месяцев назад +43

    The WSL error that you encountered is due to the fact of WSL feature being turned off in "Turn windows feature on or off" by default, upon running wsl command on command line it activates the option which can be confirmed in "Turn windows feature on or off" and a restart is needed to get the service on and running probably. I have faced the same issue, a restart is needed.
    This is also the case when we try the Windows virtual box hypervisor, we first need to turn it on in "Turn windows feature on or off" and then a restart when a update screen comes up and then the software "Windows hypervisor" can be seen in start menu.

    • @TwistedGRE
      @TwistedGRE 6 месяцев назад +2

      came here to say that. Nice

  • @dhruvjain6121
    @dhruvjain6121 9 месяцев назад +32

    9:56 "We are developers, we are used to security risks and harmful stuff"
    Ofcourse. We are the ones who creat them in the first place.

  • @lorenzo0932
    @lorenzo0932 9 месяцев назад +11

    5:43 I don't suggest you to use the "old" High Performance power plan because it will disable suspend option so only shutdown and hibernation (that you have to enable manually) will be avaiable.

  • @amrwasfi9425
    @amrwasfi9425 9 месяцев назад +56

    admiring your specific laptop reviews, keep it up

    • @AZisk
      @AZisk  9 месяцев назад +3

      Glad you like them!

    • @MatthewMcCormick
      @MatthewMcCormick 9 месяцев назад

      So much goodness. Thank you for this! I tried it on a Lenovo Slim 7x. Windows actually looks compelling. Extra tips - if you like miniconda and docker, try micromania and podman.

    • @arcadeportal32
      @arcadeportal32 9 месяцев назад

      @@OHGOD-v4h From what I have seen and done "I honestly haven't done ANY programming in years at this point, just passing though", but most people I have seen programing are using Linux, or Windows. Or like me, a mix of the two as a dual nvme drive Dual Boot on my Main PC, and my Laptop is also running just Linux which I got at Microcenter for $100 on sale and it does the job & plays Oblivion really well for Fanless Netbook lol. I have actually hear many Devs actually dropping support for Mac even though they have new tools out so take that as you will? I would assume programing for Windows/Linux on Windows/Linux would be a better choice unless you are making Mac Programs. Linux has GOOD programing support as well and installing the Linux on Windows Subsystem or Dual-Booting may be the best option, using something like a Lenovo Laptop with a lot of RAM, maybe all AMD/Intel as well for better Linux Support, having a nVidia GPU laptop could mess with the Linux side of things though it is getting much better. See if the laptop has support for more then one SSD as well, which would be good for dual booting if that is the route you want to go, Windows has a bad habit of eating the Linux Partition.

    • @arcadeportal32
      @arcadeportal32 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@OHGOD-v4h From what I have seen and done, "I honestly haven't done ANY programming in years at this point, just passing though", but most people I have seen programing are using Linux, or Windows. Or like me, a mix of the two as a dual nvme drive Dual Boot on my Main PC, and my Laptop is also running just Linux which I got at Microcenter for $100 on sale and it does the job & plays Oblivion really well for Fanless Netbook lol. I have actually hear many Devs actually dropping support for Mac even though they have new tools out so take that as you will? I would assume programing for Windows/Linux on Windows/Linux would be a better choice unless you are making Mac Programs. Linux has GOOD programing support as well and installing the Linux on Windows Subsystem or Dual-Booting may be the best option, using something like a Lenovo Laptop with a lot of RAM, maybe all AMD/Intel as well for better Linux Support, having a nVidia GPU laptop could mess with the Linux side of things though it is getting much better. See if the laptop has support for more then one SSD as well, which would be good for dual booting if that is the route you want to go, Windows has a bad habit of eating the Linux Partition. PS RUclips, I beg you to fix comments!

    • @arcadeportal32
      @arcadeportal32 9 месяцев назад

      @@OHGOD-v4h From what I have seen and done "I honestly haven't done ANY programming in years at this point, just passing though", but most people I have seen programing are using Linux, or Windows. Or like me, a mix of the two as a dual nvme drive Dual Boot on my Main PC, and my Laptop is also running just Linux which I got at Microcenter for $100 on sale and it does the job & plays Oblivion really well for Fanless Netbook lol. I have actually hear many Devs actually dropping support for Mac even though they have new tools out so take that as you will? I would assume programing for Windows/Linux on Windows/Linux would be a better choice unless you are making Mac Programs. Linux has GOOD programing support as well and installing the Linux on Windows Subsystem or Dual-Booting may be the best option, using something like a Lenovo Laptop with a lot of RAM, maybe all AMD/Intel as well for better Linux Support, having a nVidia GPU laptop could mess with the Linux side of things though it is getting much better. See if the laptop has support for more then one SSD as well, which would be good for dual booting if that is the route you want to go, Windows has a bad habit of eating the Linux Partition sadly in my experience.

  • @iamtharunraj
    @iamtharunraj 9 месяцев назад +4

    I don't know why but your videos are very interesting. I have watched a few of your laptop reviews in the past and absolutely loved them.
    Not all creators do this type of content. New subscriber!

  • @wthminecrafters
    @wthminecrafters 9 месяцев назад +4

    Brother, This video is a gold mine. A lot of the "Do this first when you install..." are applied here and compact into 1 video. For example, the power management stuff I wasnt aware of. So This is indeed very useful video. Please keep doing what you doing and I am very interested in the performance metrics when it comes to development.

  • @onlysublime
    @onlysublime 9 месяцев назад +57

    McAfee never had a contract with Microsoft so it never appeared on Surface machines. They had contracts with HP and Dell so that's why those machines have them. As for the power settings, I'm just going to disagree with all your recommendations. Best Performance doesn't make your computer faster. All it does is it keep your clock rates high which is completely wasteful when you're doing nothing like when you're sitting at the desktop. You want the system to ramp up when you need performance and ramp down when you're doing nothing. You don't want your CPU to be running high when you're just watching aa video. That is why Better Performance is the best middle ground performance mode because it ramps down when you're not doing anything and ramps up when you need the performance. Recommended is the best mode for most people. It keeps the CPU clocks low most of the time. If you ever feel like you want better performance, then you can switch to Better Performance but Recommended meets the vast majority of people's needs. If you don't care at all about battery performance, then Best Performance is fine. Like a desktop should be Best Performance because you're plugged in all the time.

    • @nick0_
      @nick0_ 8 месяцев назад

      I think they should make a toggle for that in control panel for easy switch

    • @devluz
      @devluz 8 месяцев назад

      I think the main reason to mess with these settings is when you want to benchmark your own code. If you get results that change randomly it might be because window switches between lower CPU frequency for power saving, normal frequency and boost frequency. Setting high performance might make the results a bit more stable. I also find it useful to have a low power state that limits processor power state to 95%. This effectively runs the CPU on a lower frequency and stops any boosting which makes performance testing a lot more stable and reliable.

    • @onlysublime
      @onlysublime 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@devluz but then you can't compare with macs bc windows and macos handle power differently. For example he likes Best Performance which means the machine runs at full clocks even when just sitting at the desktop. You want the clocks to ramp up and down based on the task which more simulates the real world. Do I need to run at boost clocks for notepad?

    • @onlysublime
      @onlysublime 8 месяцев назад

      @@nick0_ they do. It's called recommended, better performance and best performance. Better performance ramps up and down. Recommended caps clocks. Best run full clocks

    • @devluz
      @devluz 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@onlysublime Yep I mean benchmarking your own code not the machine itself.

  • @Thulebeez
    @Thulebeez 9 месяцев назад +3

    I used to be a VB 6 developer back in the day but man these tools could have come in handy , another great tear down video thanks Alex.

  • @l.bogdan1360
    @l.bogdan1360 9 месяцев назад +13

    When you want to watch something on ytb and this notification pops :D. Now this is how you do a review :D

  • @Rybens92
    @Rybens92 9 месяцев назад +9

    I'm really shocked what a great resource this was for someone who programs and wants to buy a laptop with Snapdragon X elite...
    Automatic sub and like.

  • @BenjaminAlternate
    @BenjaminAlternate 9 месяцев назад +9

    This video is great, especially for people who are used to macOS that want to try snapdragon out, even if you aren't going to use it for software development

    • @tringuyen7519
      @tringuyen7519 9 месяцев назад

      You can spend $1000 to $2000 on a toy? You can’t code binary directly to the ARM CPU. MSFT is forcing you to go through the WIndows store! How would you make money?

    • @Iuigi_t
      @Iuigi_t 9 месяцев назад

      ​​@@tringuyen7519 I really don't know which extra proprietary windows you are using. And normally, you make money by working, not by selling an application.

  • @N0mernabis
    @N0mernabis 9 месяцев назад +1

    I’m not an English native speaker and I appreciate the good diction 👍 The content is useful and concentrated. Thank you!

  • @lorenzo0932
    @lorenzo0932 9 месяцев назад +19

    7:16 surface devices never come out with McAfee preinstalled

  • @farshadhosseinnezhad5035
    @farshadhosseinnezhad5035 9 месяцев назад +3

    I'm not a developer but I just want to see how it feels for you to switch from mac to windows.
    Thanks for the efforts ✌️

  • @if_dots
    @if_dots 9 месяцев назад +5

    thanks for this! Very useful, I've been thinking about getting the base model surface laptop 7 just because of the battery life with the new chip. Good to see how it deals with the workflow :)

  • @garynagle3093
    @garynagle3093 9 месяцев назад +8

    Wow. So much fantastic detail! Thank you!!

  • @MAT23154
    @MAT23154 2 месяца назад +1

    the best setup video i've ever seen. you rock

  • @arafinpial1894
    @arafinpial1894 9 месяцев назад

    I am not a coder, but PC enthusiast, and I find your videos very interesting to watch. I am following you for quite a long time and you have some magic in editing and voice.

  • @BigOrangeMan
    @BigOrangeMan 9 месяцев назад +6

    This is a really good video, good job Alex!

  • @anishpadhi4410
    @anishpadhi4410 6 месяцев назад

    Today is the lucky day i stumbled across your channel with this video. I have been trying to understand how good/effective would it be for programmers on Snapdragon xElite laptops and no one seemed to know that piece of information!!
    Excellent video man!! 👍🏼

  • @womcsm
    @womcsm 9 месяцев назад +7

    This is what i was looking for. Thanks. Hoping for a WSL2-on-arm review in a few weeks.

  • @HansDeMulder
    @HansDeMulder 2 месяца назад +1

    Git for Windows is now also ARM native. If you install it through winget it will automatically select the ARM version (you told it in the video, but at that time the Git for Windows ARM version was not yet available). I love that more and more software is available natively in ARM. Still some ways to go, but it is getting there.

  • @KaranSinghSikoria
    @KaranSinghSikoria 9 месяцев назад +1

    The efforts you take to make these videos are commendable. Great Work Mate.

  • @bongkem2723
    @bongkem2723 9 месяцев назад +1

    the best pc setup video for dev ever made !!!

  • @c1p0
    @c1p0 9 месяцев назад +5

    Love Alex being impartial with Windows machines. Wonder if he's ever gonna daily drive one of these 🤞🤞

    • @AZisk
      @AZisk  9 месяцев назад +14

      i’ve been coding on the surface- by far my favorite out of the bunch.

  • @CharlesDv
    @CharlesDv 8 месяцев назад

    I've been working for first time using Windows after following your videos. Everything goes amazing!

  • @supercurioTube
    @supercurioTube 9 месяцев назад +3

    I don't necessarily plan to buy one of these devices but I still watched the whole video, it was really informative! Thanks Alex

  • @dave_kimura
    @dave_kimura 9 месяцев назад +2

    One thing I would do before even doing updates is to take a clean image/backup (create a recovery media) of the machine if it is a prebuilt. Then go nuts with setting everything up.

  • @onlysublime
    @onlysublime 9 месяцев назад +1

    OMG, I just watched your security settings... I'm so glad you put the warnings not to blame you because you shouldn't run like that all the time.

  • @krokulawa3999
    @krokulawa3999 9 месяцев назад +5

    I just ordered a Surface Laptop 7 for developing machine learning stuff. Your developer setup guide is great and I will use it in first place. It answers many of my questions about the availability of arm64 versions of the tools I use. Thank you so much!

    • @halperry810
      @halperry810 7 месяцев назад

      @@krokulawa3999 which specs did you get??

    • @halperry810
      @halperry810 7 месяцев назад

      Which specd did you get??

    • @corncube9063
      @corncube9063 4 месяца назад

      @@krokulawa3999 heyo, just wondering - how are you liking it so far? I'm thinking about buying one for ML stuff myself, still a little concerned about compatibilities though

  • @Eugensson
    @Eugensson 9 месяцев назад +3

    13:45 aktyually WSL will not give you a little Linux VM running inside windows. It will make both the Linux and your Windows kernels running as VMs on top of a baremetal hypervisor.

  • @devids51
    @devids51 8 месяцев назад +1

    This vid is actually an amazing general config tutorial

  • @dest5218
    @dest5218 9 месяцев назад +3

    I was gonna buy these Snapdragon PCs but based on my workflow, thanks for your amazing reviews.

    • @shApYT
      @shApYT 9 месяцев назад +4

      I'd wait for gen two for bugs to get ironed out and efficiency to match Mac

  • @mzamroni
    @mzamroni 9 месяцев назад +1

    the edge and teams startup is better disabled from the app themselves.
    if you disable in task manager, the background processes will stay when you open then close edge or teams.
    and you can right click cpu in task manager to show details of each core.
    adjust for best performance but enable Smooth edge of screen fonts to enable sub pixel font rendering

  • @carlospcpro
    @carlospcpro 9 месяцев назад +3

    What a great video intro for developers / windows on arm. Straight to the point, but without missing crucial stuff. Really awesome. I hope one day we can code on iPadOS

  • @melahi94
    @melahi94 9 месяцев назад +2

    Man, this is exactly the video I was waiting for. Very nice job, I really love your videos because you always try to be as objective as possible. Thanks a lot for all the effort and for such an entertaining video. Btw, how is the battery life after enabling the high performance mode? is it still good enough or it drops dramatically?
    In my opinion in this first generation the only worth to buy would be the Surface base model. Even because easily you can replace the SSD for a better one and I think the performance is not so different between both processors, elite and the plus. But I will wait for your next video where you test both versions to make a decision. Also the MacBook air is on my list because I can get it nearly at the same price, but actually I never have been an Apple fan. I am still hopeful that developers release Snapdragon drivers for Linux soon and ARM distros can be easily installed on this new laptops, as long as I know, at least Tuxedo is working on that already.

  • @Xolerik707
    @Xolerik707 2 месяца назад

    I just love this guide and this man. I go back to this video over and over again. It's really helpful!

  • @franciscoramirez3311
    @franciscoramirez3311 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you! I followed alot of your setup (not a developer though) and my 4 year old laptop is running so much faster again

  • @kanuto-kalasag
    @kanuto-kalasag 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for explaining the difference of node installations. It was confusing which one should you use to install. This is enlightening.

  • @Joe-np3qv
    @Joe-np3qv 3 месяца назад

    Excellent video! This is exactly what I was looking for in helping me decide whether to make the leap and get an arm based laptop!!! Thanks!

  • @MrKar18
    @MrKar18 9 месяцев назад +3

    Surface devices never had a bloatware except for some default installs like Netflix or Spotify. But never anti virus software. It's the OEMs who installs these. One of the reasons I prefer Surfaces. Also the drivers are automatically installed via Windows update as firmware so that's another reason.

  • @avijit849
    @avijit849 9 месяцев назад +5

    please give a test of the npu. running models of different parameter sizes and quantization. also please mention the memory bandwidth on the npu

  • @ΘάνοςΚαψάλης
    @ΘάνοςΚαψάλης 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hi Alex, nice video. I have noticed a big boost in visual studio performance when using DevDrive feature because it skips checking for malware when cloning big projects or node modules that takes all the CPU performance

  • @harry1583
    @harry1583 3 месяца назад +1

    I just bought my 1st MacBook and it was easy as f to set up.

  • @shofyansky
    @shofyansky 9 месяцев назад +2

    thanks @alex to compile all setup and resources for developer. its really help

    • @snmailist1470
      @snmailist1470 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah, that actual actions as developer when I get new machine.

  • @codekop
    @codekop 8 месяцев назад +2

    Hey Alex, thank you for your videos. I watch your videos all the time, you are only reviewer who do videos as a software engineer which is more interesting for me. I always struggle to pick right RAM in laptops. Even for the Surface Laptop 7, could you please review surface laptop 7 with 16GB and 32GB with visual studio 2022? And it would be interesting to see 13” and 15” comparison in terms of coding. Thank you!

  • @wahyuagungsugimartanto3340
    @wahyuagungsugimartanto3340 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the tutorials, very much considering to purchase the Windows on Arm version as soon as it available. I had an Arm mac which was the macbook air m1 and very much satisfied, but because the work that I've been doing now are in windows I gave it to my wife.

  • @cionheart
    @cionheart 8 месяцев назад

    This video was very helpful, thank you very much. I just watched it to learn if the snapdragon machines for my development workflow (it does). But this is also a nice glimpse into modern development paradigms with Windows 11.

  • @howardlam6181
    @howardlam6181 9 месяцев назад +3

    I feel like they actually matured their translation layer on the Mac with thousands of people installing paralell lol

  • @Richard_GIS
    @Richard_GIS 9 месяцев назад

    For fast admin mode, go in the terminal over the drop down arrow, do not click but make a right click and start as admin, a new terminal Windows opens

  • @xrafter
    @xrafter 9 месяцев назад

    Hello Mr. Ziskind, just so you and the readers know, disabling edge in startup well disable it mostly but edge updater will still be running in startup. I believe it is diffrent than edge.

  • @fdsr5642
    @fdsr5642 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for your videos, they are great. I am a 4th year computer science student and I just had to buy a new laptop and thanks to this video I was able to opt for a Dell XPS 13 Snapdragon X Elite at a very good price. And I have not had any compatibility issues other than using WSL. Thank you very much, I hope you make some LMStudio videos on these machines.

    • @DineshKumar-ew4my
      @DineshKumar-ew4my 4 месяца назад

      Hey brother do you recommend it for programming and developing?

  • @mindbuster121431
    @mindbuster121431 Месяц назад +1

    I want next laptop to be arm one for dev work, i hop full support gets there soon

  • @AleGuerra05
    @AleGuerra05 9 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks Alex, keep making this very interesting videos

  • @TommieHansen
    @TommieHansen 7 месяцев назад +1

    Great video Alex, would love to see a follow-up now that you might have used the computer some more.
    I do find it a shame that you default to WSL2 for many things ro without trying the ... more native options. Some environmemts aich as nodejs can be quite a bit quicker using Powershell imstead of WSL2 due to network routing ... etc.
    I do get why you would default to WSL2 though, i usually do that too whenever i need something where a teeminal is just simpler. It's an old jabit ny now. :)

  • @salehtawfiq6389
    @salehtawfiq6389 9 месяцев назад +5

    Waiting for more Alex!

  • @oscarcastro9316
    @oscarcastro9316 3 месяца назад

    Subscribed. Thanks for informative review not focused on Video Editing and generic tests.

  • @Gk-oj7nc
    @Gk-oj7nc 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your Alex... Awesome video makes want to go back to being an active developer again.

  • @parshwa_1
    @parshwa_1 9 месяцев назад +2

    Nice review right there , quick question : can we dual boot on these new laptops with x elite?

  • @OriginalNotFunny
    @OriginalNotFunny 9 месяцев назад

    I used WSL on Windows for about 2yrs and it was good even with some hickups. Now I just use GH codespaces for everything and is just perfect for working on multiple projects on multiple computers with a perfect always fresh setup

  • @TheRicardoCarrola
    @TheRicardoCarrola 8 месяцев назад

    Nice work Alex , I Ended up buying the Surface Laptop 15 - X Elite - 512/16gb >>> here are some numbers to share Alex: 10 Million int / Node Array Sort 1 Thread Node JS Surface pro X Elite vs Multi thread version , > prism [3817 ms, 454ms ] , > node arm64 version[2904ms, 240ms] , using an arm64 WSL2 : [3223 ms, 354ms] ... This is on par with Mac M1 numbers !The M3 Macbook 8c [2130ms,160ms]:)

  • @anthonykougkas5309
    @anthonykougkas5309 9 месяцев назад +1

    Do a similar video for Chromebook Plus laptops. You should also take a look at the Project IDX for development in the cloud

  • @amitation
    @amitation 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for the info on Azure and Sharepoint. Been torn between intel and ARM for my next laptop but this answers it.
    Also to add, Dynamic CE’s Power Platform Tools are also not available for VS22 ARM version. Sad!

  • @ccml9709
    @ccml9709 5 месяцев назад

    Hi Alex, very interesting video. Thanks for sharing your dev env and the way you install it. For the node version management, i like to use "Volta". This allows to automatically switch the node version based on the project configuration ==> no need to switch manually. Have a good day.

  • @mogurt
    @mogurt 26 дней назад

    Btw, I was looking at a git issue related to NVM on ARM machines. I believe you are able to install and use each node version now as long as you explicitly state it. (ex: nvm install/use 'version number' arm64). Great video!

  • @galihtias7082
    @galihtias7082 9 месяцев назад

    Love the way you explain it.
    And the pronucation are best, i didn't need to activate the subtitle 🎉.

  • @Vasiliszzz
    @Vasiliszzz День назад

    I would like to see the compatibility for automation engineers too.
    For example how Codesys, Tia Portal are running

  • @elvisluvaton5078
    @elvisluvaton5078 9 месяцев назад +2

    Great video Alex. Thanks!

  • @ChrisDupres
    @ChrisDupres 9 месяцев назад +5

    McAfee is owned by Intel now, so that is probably why they are always on Intel devices and might never go to ARM. It is a selling point for the new machines though

  • @siarheikharlap8559
    @siarheikharlap8559 8 месяцев назад

    You can use ctrl+shift+leftclick to directly open any program as admin

  • @naji4919
    @naji4919 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great video Alex
    I’ve been curious about the Snapdragon X Elite NPU, especially its AI capabilities and performance. It seems there’s limited information out there, so I’d love to see comprehensive tests conducted. If anyone has insights or knows where I can find more details, please share!

  • @hanes2
    @hanes2 9 месяцев назад +3

    I noticed that Edge will run in the background even tho "you" aren't running Edge. it can be running in the background eating a gig of ram just to run copilot and "edgeservices" and what not even tho I never gonna use copilot.

  • @abdullahabdelaziz5959
    @abdullahabdelaziz5959 9 месяцев назад +5

    You're KING.

  • @CalSquared
    @CalSquared 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great video, man. I am curious how this new ARM Support in the OS will impact the older ARM processor like in the Surface Pro X?

  • @shreyasjejurkar1233
    @shreyasjejurkar1233 9 месяцев назад

    Good video alex as always. You can also include oh-my-posh as part of dev workflow. Subscribed btw.

  • @EivindGussiasLkseth
    @EivindGussiasLkseth 9 месяцев назад

    It will be insteresting to see the comparison between the three devices. I assume you're settting them up very similarly and do normal developer tasks to check real use performance.

  • @mdzaid5925
    @mdzaid5925 9 месяцев назад +2

    I have been a linux user for about 10+ years, but thinking of settling with Win 11+ Wsl2 on my new laptop.
    Few things on Linux are still pretty irritating. No proper support for multiple screens with different dpi and fractional scaling. Then the battery life is also a concern.

  • @jaricardodev
    @jaricardodev 7 месяцев назад

    Finally a really useful arm64 video

  • @vadym8713
    @vadym8713 9 месяцев назад

    Great guide, makes me want to switch to Windows laptop once again. It was funny how winged triggered that UI interface on Windows software installation

  • @vivekkodira
    @vivekkodira 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @AZisk
      @AZisk  9 месяцев назад

      thanks so much

  • @samisdual
    @samisdual 9 месяцев назад +2

    What an amazing video. Cheers & thank you

  • @maximilianobregante4751
    @maximilianobregante4751 9 месяцев назад +2

    Funny. All the tweaks you did on your Windows are exactly the same i do. I also pin the task manager, can't live without it. I'm thinking all that must be a OCD devs have 😅

  • @thomasmilantech
    @thomasmilantech 8 месяцев назад

    What an insane video, big up buddy

  • @Mandleaf
    @Mandleaf 9 месяцев назад

    When I have got my windows 11 laptop, the first thing I did is to remove all unecessary bloadwere, such as copilot, edge, cortana, search, widgets, wether, clock, store, cloud services, xbox, preinstalled games and apps. And at the end I always install arch btw

  • @d_fens
    @d_fens 9 месяцев назад

    Great and informative video. Thank you Alex. You got yourself a subscriber.

  • @antoniorocha9438
    @antoniorocha9438 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the video. It is very informative and exactly what I'm looking for.

  • @shApYT
    @shApYT 9 месяцев назад +197

    PUT NATIVE LINUX ON BARE METAL ALREADY. There is no one doing it on RUclips despite Qualcomm showing off Linux support on the show floor.

    • @szlomobronsztajn3115
      @szlomobronsztajn3115 9 месяцев назад +14

      I suspect that bootloader is locked by laptop vendors

    • @AZisk
      @AZisk  9 месяцев назад +107

      Working on getting some info on this

    • @danielkemmet2594
      @danielkemmet2594 9 месяцев назад +14

      Support isn't there yet. OpenBSD is the only distro that has some kind of support for it, Canonical has partnered with Qualcomm to get compatibility on these new chips but that's on going and I don't believe there's anything bootable. Basically you get as far as the EFI bootprompt but everyuthing after that is an instant fail and reboot.The debian test image is a hot mess.

    • @naturegreene9579
      @naturegreene9579 9 месяцев назад +16

      Don't worry Framework will manage it, tuxedo is working on Linux arm notebook too. So far I know it will be supported with the September update of the Linux Kernel. I don't know how the current state is. I'm really excited to see that. Linux on arm let say similar battery life and performance like on Mac. That will be peak♥️

    • @racingweirdo
      @racingweirdo 9 месяцев назад +3

      Qualcomm upstreamt there open source drivers, its coming in the next kernel release. In september

  • @MrFBChat
    @MrFBChat 8 месяцев назад

    You may want to run WSL on VSCode.. I always do.. just click the "open a remote window" on the lower left corner..

  • @tereleksa
    @tereleksa 7 месяцев назад

    I prefer use Volta for NodeJS management. I like Volta pin command, that can write node version into package.json of my project. So I can forget about switching node between projects
    Nice video. Ty

  • @johnblackledge4009
    @johnblackledge4009 4 месяца назад +1

    Up to 10:00 these are still useful tips for Intel machines too. Thanks.

    • @johnblackledge4009
      @johnblackledge4009 4 месяца назад

      I reckon I've cut my Surface 7's boot time by half!

  • @Mika-s6e
    @Mika-s6e 9 месяцев назад

    I started with installing Win 11 Pro. Search on task bar was not functioning w/o extra restart. Has happened also in x86 Win, so nothing special there. VS Code (Arm) installed like a breeze. Great video.
    No issues with WSL/Ubuntu installation.

  • @kamal-ahmed
    @kamal-ahmed 9 месяцев назад

    I like your videos hundred times better than other RUclipsr for reviewibg any laptop or MacBook because you show some real world useful staffs for all developers who can get an idea about how it will perform in their professional life. About 99% RUclipsr shows same boring content creation benchmark like photo exports or video editing etc. How many people from the viewer do that in real life??? Everyone runs Software so showing Software usage and benchmark is a great way to understand a Mac or PC and you are doing it greatly. I like your videos ❤❤❤ a lot as a web developer myself.

  • @B.Ch3rry
    @B.Ch3rry 9 месяцев назад

    I look forward to future iterations of ARM chips that supports Windows. I’m sure Windows 12 will be the optimized OS for ARM processors.

  • @whiskeyshots
    @whiskeyshots 3 месяца назад

    12:46 Please don't set your execution policy to unrestricted. Use remote signed. It allows scripts that are written on your machine to run without being signed, but requires that scripts downloaded from the internet be signed. I do PS development for a living and set mine to remote signed.

    • @AZisk
      @AZisk  3 месяца назад

      so how will i run scripts that i download?

  • @emiliochang3734
    @emiliochang3734 9 месяцев назад +1

    14:19 there's always that RISC hahaha