In a more "just" world if that can even apply to a little porn site like LPSG you would either be a poster or an impartial moderator and recuse yourself from moderating this thread. But here you are presenting yourself as both which you can't as you've already made clear how you feel on the topic "do black men have larger pensises?'.
Let me set the record straight on a "just" world as it applies here in fantasy-land LPSG.
When I was asked to become a Moderator in 2019 by the site owner, he stressed that I am a Member first and a Moderator second.
When I post in my role as a Moderator, it's in
red font.
My posting you are referring to has been as a Member. And as a Member, like you, I'm entitled to post what I think about whatever the issue is that's being discussed that I'm interested in commenting about.
To be clear
1)It’s clear a contest with no end date should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
3) a contest with no independent board to determine the winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
4) a contest were the “reward” is held with the sponsor and not an independent entity should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
5) a contest where the mod is clearly in the can with the sponsor should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
6) a contest on exactly how to win
(E.g.) which measurement techniques are valid and how to claim your reward should
Have been revealed at the start should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT not some evolving measuring stick.
7) a "contest" thread filled with the sponsor's sycophants should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
And finally a sponsor who is just “someone on the internet” and not a registered entity anywhere and is just a screen profile that can be deleted at any moment should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
Let me address this for you, point by point:
1. The 10 inches for $10K thread does have an end date. Which is when someone finally posts a penis measured in accordance with the $10K thread requirements and is verified to actually be 10 inches. Gasp!
2. See my reply in #1 above.
3. The contest requirements are quite specific and detailed. If it gets to the point where
@TinyPrincess finds it necessary to verify that indeed the proffered 10-inch penis meets the requirements she set at the beginning of the content, and it meets her requirements, she will award the prize. Question again for you: Do you have a 10-inch penis or know someone who does? I ask because you seem awfully concerned about a contest in which you've yet to submit a picture of your 10-inch penis or that of someone you know. Remember, there's a finder's fee!

4. I and many other long-term LPSG Members have and continue to vouch for the veracity of the contest. And especially the Member who is sponsoring the contest.
5. Laughable! What's your proof I'm "in the can" with the contest originator?
6. Stick??? This makes no sense given the entire premise of the contest is to find someone with a 10-inch penis measured with a hard ruler placed on top of the penis while the penis owner is standing.
7. Now you are just flailing...
What's really "immediately suspect" here my friend is your continued posting of nonsense.
Again, I challenge you. Post your 10-inch pic measured in accordance with the contest's requirements. Or post a picture of someone you know with a 10-inch pic measured in accordance with the contest's requirements.
And if you are unable to, do yourself, and especially all of us that have to read your nonsense, and just stop. Please and Thanks!
Disclaimer: This post was made as a long-term LPSG Member.