Are black men really bigger?

Care to explain, because you won't impress anyone without arguments, i hope you realize it :)

Here's my explanation, because i'm the actual logical person here :

- All porn actors are discriminated according to their size
- So porn should be a decent evidence among the largest sizes (highest percentiles)

I mean, it's really simple to understand (and probably why you put so much energy trying to "debunk" some porn actors).

Demographic could be a problem though, most porn actors are white men by a huge margin, so they should be advantaged : with a larger demographic the odds of finding a larger size is greater. So indeed, we have to consider this point.

We should also consider discrimination against minorities, especially black men since they don't hold any power in this industry. So a factor that could potentially disadvantage black men.
Where is your objective data to back-up the statement, "porn actors are white men by a huge margin?" Where is your objective data to back-up the statement that black men are discriminated against in the porn industry? Contrary to being "the actual logical person here," you are basing a specious argument on your own groundless assertions to make casual links that do not exist. But, nice rhetorical try.
Fine, you simply have to ask since i only rely on evidence = i'm not an insecure hater :)

So about black men : Racism in Porn Industry Under Scrutiny Amid Nationwide Protests

About the ethnic ratio in porn :

View attachment 109125801

Pornhub Statistics - Analysis of +9,000 Hours of Porn [Shocking]

Keep in mind those data come from western websites, which means the real difference is even bigger because there's a porn industry in eastern europe too. Also "other" doesn't mean black.


Why are basically all the biggest legitimately proven guys on here white then? (not trying to say white is bigger) Which is a massively larger pool of people than the few hundred men in history (at maximum) who have done porn. Or is that just too uncomfortable for you do deal with?
May i ask where are you evidence ?

Also assuming it's true, i bet the largest demographic on this website is composed by white men (and by a wide margin) so your "argument" is completely pointless anyway.

Also, how old is the porn industry ? From 1960 to 2023 = 63 years old. Non-white men are a tiny minority. Yet during those 63 years, they were unable to find a single non-black man that matches the largest black actors ? How can you explain that ? :)

How many above average white actors do you know (for porn standards) ? Personally, i only know one : Danny D (even though his shape is a bit suspicious). But feel free to provide other names.

Also, it's true in both pro and amateur porn, hence why your excuses about a biased selection toward black men is bullshit, because the largest white actors are in pro porn, not amateur porn. So where are all those so-called hidden monsters ? Because nobody see them actually :)

So the pool of men on this site (and the internet in general) is bullshit, but a way more limited and artificial pool of men in an entertainment industry is some of the best “data” out there. Lmao, ok gotcha!

Already named them a while back, but here are the names of the longest proven guys on this site.
  • mr_snufalufagus
  • sdp
  • sorandom10 (his profile is deleted, but you can find his measurements on the $10,000 thread from a while back)
  • Ranxerox is probably up there as well but not as concretely proven as the others
  • Quercusone is also probably up there, but also is less concretely proven
And that’s just this site (and assuming your brain can even grasp what a proper measurement really is). I’m not saying there aren’t huge blacks too, far from it. But it pokes holes in the agenda your self-esteem is dependant on pushing. Enough with the porn crap. The World Wide Web (see what I did there?) is infinitely more expansive than some limited and contrived entertainment industry which picks & chooses specifically what it wants to convey. But this is probably over your head.

But what’s even the point? You’ll just pull some garbage out of your ass because you find this deeply emotionally unsettling.
Yet during those 63 years, they were unable to find a single non-black man that matches the largest black actors ? How can you explain that ? :)

Miro Manning is as long or longer than literally every single one ever. But it was quite apparent going by your old account (“grounder”) that you abandoned out of sheepishness that that one really bothers you, so it doesn’t count. Lol.
Who cares about this website ? I mean seriously ? Indeed, the porn industry directly discriminates for larger sizes unlike this website that nobody knows.

Also, outside of gay men, i wonder who would show his dick for nothing ? Which means it's probably mostly gay men showing their size which is even a smaller sample.

So indeed, 63 years of porn industry that directly discriminates for larger sizes + actually gives you fame and money for that > a website nobody knows and where probably only gay men show their pictures for absolutely nothing outside of a fake fame.

Ok so i choose a random name (sdp) here's what i found :


Bullshit measurement + doesn't even look 8 inches (and by a wide margin). From : sdp's journal

If this guy is close to 9 inches, then there are many porn actors above 12 inches :

View attachment 109132741

From :

As expected, you wasted my time. No wonder nobody ever saw your heroes in porn, because they prefer to stay hidden from any comparison and proper evaluation.

  • So you completely ignore sdp’s current pics and post an old one that you know isn’t as big. Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming. How about going to his actual profile and seeing he’s 9”+? What about the others I listed? Not enough “dirt” for you to dig up on them I’m guessing, so let’s just conveniently ignore all that.
  • Using sexuality as an insult or disqualification. That’s always a hallmark of a well functioning mind.
  • Yup, every huge dick out there is doing porn. No one else on the planet can possibly be huge (that’s sarcasm in case you didn’t pick up on that, which I wouldn’t at all doubt)…..Even though 99.9% (probably more) of the biggest dicks out there aren’t doing porn.
  • You slam people for lack of proof like some empty-headed blow hard, yet post the same handful of thumbnails and porn videos that prove absolutely nothing whatsoever and don’t have anything close to resembling legitimate measurements.

My, my, how persuasive we are. :joy:
As i've already said, your case is psychiatric (hence why you have almost 1500 messages here) : his measurement his far better than that of Manning* because his measuring tape is actually flat. Everybody can see that, so no time to waste : you're literally lying by saying otherwise*. The pictures speak for themselves, so case closed as far i'm concerned.

Also, he's starting at 0, if you can't see the zero, it's simply because he's hidden by his finger... but your case is psychiatric, hence why you don't understand that. But well, what about that then ? :

View attachment 109146001

Even from 2 inches, it's still not BP. I'm waiting for your excuses :)

You can perfectly do porn while staying anonymous : many people do that. So your excuse is irrelevant.

And showing his dick all over the Internet is already a huge difference among normal people, because most people won't do it, no matter their size.

I know but can you see the size difference between Rocco and Mandingo or not ? I can, hence why i believe in the most basic visual evidence and i put them above any so-called measurement.

1500 messages, it's ok, don't worry.

Also :


The fact that you think that pic of “Ice Cold” is real is adorable. Secondly, the study you linked has been linked a million times already (and criticized). Lastly, even I have a limit. Sorry I’m out. Take this as a moral win for yourself. I’m guessing you need it.
Going from what black women have told me, black men are not bigger but they are more on the shower category, which are big soft but grow very little.
I will say this....most of my friends are black, as am I. I havent seen them all naked, but the ones I have, are all bigger than normal. One guy (RIP) was 5' 6" tall with 8 1/2 inches. One guy was 6'8" with over 11-12 inches...and one guy was 6"4" with at least 10. Made me feel small. Mr 5'6"-We used to work on our cars together on Saturday mornings. I'd pick him up in his apartment and he would always come to the door in his pajama bottoms, dick... just a swinging. Apparently he had morning wood, and wasn't shy about it. It literally hung halfway down his leg, and swung back and forth as he walked. I saw it thru his pjs once, when he was standing in front of a clearly could see the bulbous head and balls. Impressive. The one who was 12 inches, was bi, and wanted to get with me....
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I will say this....most of my friends are black, as am I. I havent seen them all naked, but the ones I have, are all bigger than normal. One guy (RIP) was 5' 6" tall with 8 1/2 inches. One guy was 6'8" with over 11-12 inches...and one guy was 6"4" with at least 10. Made me feel small. Mr 5'6"-We used to work on our cars together on Saturday mornings. I'd pick him up in his apartment and he would always come to the door in his pajama bottoms, dick... just a swinging. Apparently he had morning wood, and wasn't shy about it. It literally hung halfway down his leg, and swung back and forth as he walked. I saw it thru his pjs once, when he was standing in front of a clearly could see the bulbous head and balls. Impressive. The one who was 12 inches, was bi, and wanted to get with me....
Northern Europeans and south-east Asians can grow penis’s up to 14” inches depending on there genetics and family tree. This is common amongst those closer to the Neanderthal. 10” to 12” inches is small potatoes in comparison. Though I did meet an East African guy from Somalia who came in at 14.5” with a measuring tape. But he wanted nothing to do with West Africans. And claimed to be Arab or North African by origin. True story…;)
Going from what black women have told me, black men are not bigger but they are more on the shower category, which are big soft but grow very little.
That is true to some degree. My wife had a old BF who was at least 11 inches...but he was about 9 inches soft...and only grew a couple of inches, if that, when he was hard. Definitely a shower, not a grower.
  • Haha
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That is true to some degree. My wife had a old BF who was at least 11 inches...but he was about 9 inches soft...and only grew a couple of inches, if that, when he was hard. Definitely a shower, not a grower.

It’s amazing people like this still exist. Hint: I don’t mean “your wife’s old BF”.
As I've said before, I have a lifelong friend who is 12 1/2 inches. He had it measured at a bar once, layed it on the bar and the bar maid measured it.....and of course went home with him. True story.

I will say this....most of my friends are black, as am I. I havent seen them all naked, but the ones I have, are all bigger than normal. One guy (RIP) was 5' 6" tall with 8 1/2 inches. One guy was 6'8" with over 11-12 inches...and one guy was 6"4" with at least 10. Made me feel small. Mr 5'6"-We used to work on our cars together on Saturday mornings. I'd pick him up in his apartment and he would always come to the door in his pajama bottoms, dick... just a swinging. Apparently he had morning wood, and wasn't shy about it. It literally hung halfway down his leg, and swung back and forth as he walked. I saw it thru his pjs once, when he was standing in front of a clearly could see the bulbous head and balls. Impressive. The one who was 12 inches, was bi, and wanted to get with me....
Interesting. So he was 12 1/2 inches (measured, true story) but now you claim it to be ‘only’ over 11-12 inches. What is that for size indication anyway? Was he over 11, or over 12?
Wait! What? You HAVE invested much more than 2 minutes here with your screeds...;)

How about you go first? Post YOUR bank account details. Or is that just something someone really stupid would do on an on-line social media platform? Or even suggest that someone else do?

Check the start date of this thread for your answer. Sheesh.

You are so wrong on so many levels with the nonsense you are posting. I know it's rude to answer a question with a question, but ask yourself this: Would you or I or anyone else be posting/talking about the $10K for 10-inch thread IF someone had claimed the $10K? Other than to say, damn, we finally found our unicorn?

Let's end this now with you answering the important and most pertinent questions: You got 10 inches? You know someone with 10 inches?

Yes? Follow the instructions in the $10K for 10-inch thread and claim the prize.

No? Then how about you stop regaling the rest of us with your nonsense. Please and thanks! :)
In a more "just" world if that can even apply to a little porn site like LPSG you would either be a poster or an impartial moderator and recuse yourself from moderating this thread. But here you are presenting yourself as both which you can't as you've already made clear how you feel on the topic "do black men have larger pensises?'.
To be clear

1)It’s clear a contest with no end date should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
3) a contest with no independent board to determine the winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
4) a contest were the “reward” is held with the sponsor and not an independent entity should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
5) a contest where the mod is clearly in the can with the sponsor should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
6) a contest on exactly how to win
(E.g.) which measurement techniques are valid and how to claim your reward should
Have been revealed at the start should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT not some evolving measuring stick.

7) a "contest" thread filled with the sponsor's sycophants should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT

And finally a sponsor who is just “someone on the internet” and not a registered entity anywhere and is just a screen profile that can be deleted at any moment should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.

Jerry: Oh how can his be?
Elaine: Oh it be alright.
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In a more "just" world if that can even apply to a little porn site like LPSG you would either be a poster or an impartial moderator and recuse yourself from moderating this thread. But here you are presenting yourself as both which you can't as you've already made clear how you feel on the topic "do black men have larger pensises?'.
To be clear

1)It’s clear a contest with no end date should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
3) a contest with no independent board to determine the winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
4) a contest were the “reward” is held with the sponsor and not an independent entity should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
5) a contest where the mod is clearly in the can with the sponsor should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
6) a contest on exactly how to win
(E.g.) which measurement techniques are valid and how to claim your reward should
Have been revealed at the start should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT not some evolving measuring stick.

7) a "contest" thread filled with the sponsor's sycophants should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT

And finally a sponsor who is just “someone on the internet” and not a registered entity anywhere and is just a screen profile that can be deleted at any moment should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.

Jerry: Oh how can his be?
Elaine: Oh it be alright.

Translation: My snarky remarks & font and masquerade of superior intellect hasn’t worked for me, so I’ll continue with it anyway in an attempt at moral high ground by character-assassinating & bashing a thread that isn’t even relevant to the one I’m posting in. Oh, and don’t forget to quote a sitcom line at the end for snark-emphasis and a stiff, cringeworthy attempt at sardonic comedy.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
Or you can draw the conclusion there is simply not as many (not even black) as you thought. But that seems impossible to deal with

But let me help you adding suspicious items to your list:
i) A person that is only there to derail a thread is IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
In a more "just" world if that can even apply to a little porn site like LPSG you would either be a poster or an impartial moderator and recuse yourself from moderating this thread. But here you are presenting yourself as both which you can't as you've already made clear how you feel on the topic "do black men have larger pensises?'.
Let me set the record straight on a "just" world as it applies here in fantasy-land LPSG.

When I was asked to become a Moderator in 2019 by the site owner, he stressed that I am a Member first and a Moderator second.

When I post in my role as a Moderator, it's in red font.

My posting you are referring to has been as a Member. And as a Member, like you, I'm entitled to post what I think about whatever the issue is that's being discussed that I'm interested in commenting about. :)

To be clear

1)It’s clear a contest with no end date should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
3) a contest with no independent board to determine the winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
4) a contest were the “reward” is held with the sponsor and not an independent entity should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
5) a contest where the mod is clearly in the can with the sponsor should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
6) a contest on exactly how to win
(E.g.) which measurement techniques are valid and how to claim your reward should
Have been revealed at the start should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT not some evolving measuring stick.

7) a "contest" thread filled with the sponsor's sycophants should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT

And finally a sponsor who is just “someone on the internet” and not a registered entity anywhere and is just a screen profile that can be deleted at any moment should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
Let me address this for you, point by point:

1. The 10 inches for $10K thread does have an end date. Which is when someone finally posts a penis measured in accordance with the $10K thread requirements and is verified to actually be 10 inches. Gasp!
2. See my reply in #1 above.
3. The contest requirements are quite specific and detailed. If it gets to the point where @TinyPrincess finds it necessary to verify that indeed the proffered 10-inch penis meets the requirements she set at the beginning of the content, and it meets her requirements, she will award the prize. Question again for you: Do you have a 10-inch penis or know someone who does? I ask because you seem awfully concerned about a contest in which you've yet to submit a picture of your 10-inch penis or that of someone you know. Remember, there's a finder's fee! ;)
4. I and many other long-term LPSG Members have and continue to vouch for the veracity of the contest. And especially the Member who is sponsoring the contest.
5. Laughable! What's your proof I'm "in the can" with the contest originator?
6. Stick??? This makes no sense given the entire premise of the contest is to find someone with a 10-inch penis measured with a hard ruler placed on top of the penis while the penis owner is standing.
7. Now you are just flailing...

What's really "immediately suspect" here my friend is your continued posting of nonsense.

Again, I challenge you. Post your 10-inch pic measured in accordance with the contest's requirements. Or post a picture of someone you know with a 10-inch pic measured in accordance with the contest's requirements.

And if you are unable to, do yourself, and especially all of us that have to read your nonsense, and just stop. Please and Thanks! :)

Disclaimer: This post was made as a long-term LPSG Member. :kissing_heart:
In a more "just" world if that can even apply to a little porn site like LPSG you would either be a poster or an impartial moderator and recuse yourself from moderating this thread. But here you are presenting yourself as both which you can't as you've already made clear how you feel on the topic "do black men have larger pensises?'.
To be clear

1)It’s clear a contest with no end date should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
2)A contest that has run for years with no winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.
3) a contest with no independent board to determine the winner should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
4) a contest were the “reward” is held with the sponsor and not an independent entity should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
5) a contest where the mod is clearly in the can with the sponsor should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT
6) a contest on exactly how to win
(E.g.) which measurement techniques are valid and how to claim your reward should
Have been revealed at the start should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT not some evolving measuring stick.

7) a "contest" thread filled with the sponsor's sycophants should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT

And finally a sponsor who is just “someone on the internet” and not a registered entity anywhere and is just a screen profile that can be deleted at any moment should be IMMEDIATELY SUSPECT.

Jerry: Oh how can his be?
Elaine: Oh it be alright.
Come on now, with your superior genetics, you should be able to win this challenge hands down. Even if you don’t necessarily agree with the legitimacy of this competition. Just own it. Do it for us all….;)