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Aug 28, 2021 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
Cool, they introduced more characters in this arc such as Roroa, Maria, and Castor, and Georg.

Unfortunately, it seems not everyone is on the same page with Georg deciding to take on a military solution. Despite some of the drama, I thought they managed to handle the episode really well in terms of character execution. Kazuya was faced with some of the top members of their society but still managed to be there for his people.

Aug 28, 2021 10:32 AM

Apr 2010
So the war started, it will be pretty interesting to see this animated.
Castor proving to be stubborn just like his daughter earlier, and Carmin showing how resolute he is.
Then there is the enemy nation who's leadership seems rather questionable.
Aug 28, 2021 10:54 AM

Apr 2016
Can't wait for the war to end next episode and MC marrying for peace. Because why not, he is allowed a limit of eight wives right, lmao.
Aug 28, 2021 10:55 AM

Jul 2017
It's ABOUT TIME that the anime finally reached the part of the Three Dukedoms (Georg, Castor and Excel), and of course, the Principal of Amidonia with King Gaius and first princess Roroa with being the neutral party to take advantage and wipe the war between Elfrieden (Kazuya's land) and Carmine clean unsuspectingly.

It is this henceforth that Kazuya has to weave through this mass conference in bold clarity, and he got the individualized answers from each of the Three Dukes. Excel is in, while Georg and Castor are out due to the grudgss of their past with Elfriden.

Liscia IS BOLD to cut her hair in the witness of the Three Dukes as solidarity to Kazuya, and the outcome can never be changed. Excel is saved because of Juna, the daughter working her ways around her mother, and the war is all but inevitable.
Aug 28, 2021 10:57 AM

Nov 2019
Looks like things are about to get really serious in the next episodes, and I'm all for it. Gotta teach those 2 stubborn dukes a lesson.

Aug 28, 2021 11:10 AM

Feb 2019
War arc lets gooo, liscia showing her resolve was pretty cool. Way to stand up for your man. Looking forward to the next few episodes after some solid build up these past two weeks.
Aug 28, 2021 11:11 AM

Jun 2015
I guess Souma is the kind of person who can't rest if there's too much work to do. Still overworking yourself helps no one so it was nice to see Juna be able to get Souma to rest. Its nice that we finally get to see the leaders of the military though. Fundamentally the primary purpose for creating the Duke's and the decentralized branches was sound but it also served to create a potent threat should the three choose to unite as one and oppose a leader that while beloved by the people were not by the dukes. The talk with the dukes was interesting and added some great tension to the ep. Its unfortunate about Castor and Vargas but at least Excel Walter proved wise enough. That was a pretty bold display from Liscia though to show her resolve. Overall an excellent ep that featured a nice combo of light hearted moments with lore expansion and tension via the intro of Ruroa and Colbert and the talk with the dukes. With the upcoming battle with Castor and Vargas and the invasion as well Souma and Liscia sure have their hands full. Looking forward to next week now.
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Aug 28, 2021 11:13 AM

Apr 2014
What an intense episode. Honestly, I don't want this episode to end. I really looking forward to the war.
Liscia, please don't cut your hair, pleasssseeee. You are looking better with long hair.
Aug 28, 2021 11:19 AM
Oct 2016
Entering our final conflict of the anime. The three dukes and the neighboring king have finally grown restless enough to take action. While Souma was fixing domestic problems some international ones were brewing under the surface. The two dukes other than Excel, the navy one, are idiots. Using their dumb pride to declare an internal war against Souma when they know nothing of the situation. They keep assuming he just threw the old king out when its the other way around. King Albert just dumped everything in Souma lap. Its a good thing that Juna was Excel granddaughter so someone could talk sense for her. Georg and Castor are prideful fools whom will rip their own county apart. I understand Castor not wanting to give the central government all the power but they're in some extreme times right now with the demons bearing down. They need a united front to stop any further invasion. King Gaius to their west is gonna take complete advantage of this internal conflict and stir the pot even further just to give himself more power. This whole situation is a big mess, idk how Souma can clear it up. Thankfully he has good allies with Hakuya, Juna, Excel and especially Liscia showing those fools her own resolve
Aug 28, 2021 11:30 AM

Nov 2011
Damn really great episode today! I am interested to see how this war shakes out! Along with Roroa and her brother wanting to get out of Amadonia and away from their crazy father the King.

Going to be an interesting rest of the season!

Liscia looked pretty good with short hair.
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Aug 28, 2021 11:32 AM

Oct 2020
I really like this show, but come on, could they stop making girls cut their hair to show their resolve? It's so cliché and completely ruins the mood:/


Aug 28, 2021 11:36 AM

Dec 2020
Nice that we got introduced to this nice characters.

Liscia is cutting her hair that was a cool scene she makes impression to the other 3 kingdoms.
Overall very talkative episode.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Aug 28, 2021 12:05 PM

Jun 2021
Damn, this episode did a great job building up the tension and intensity in anticipation for the war. I can't wait for next week's episode.
Aug 28, 2021 12:24 PM

Apr 2018
Great! the beginning of the one-week war, I was waiting for this since it's one of my fav part! Also there is Liscia's new haircut, it looks pretty good to be honest, better than before!!
Aug 28, 2021 12:33 PM

Jan 2021
EEE, if they do the weird camera rotation again, I'll kill myself

Souma's got balls eh? The way he spoke to the three dukes, my compliments
Noooo, Liscia's long hair :c. Well, I'll have to get used to it...

I already want to see how the traitors get their asses kicked 0.0
Aug 28, 2021 12:37 PM
Sep 2015
I hope things don't get bloody. I watch this anime despite of its heterosexual nature because of its bloodless approach.
Aug 28, 2021 12:42 PM

Aug 2013
Oh yes.. the politics out of the way.
It's finally reached time for the war arc.
Time for Souma to show his true power. XD
God damnnn I remember this part Lisca cut her hair. Noooo.
Aug 28, 2021 12:43 PM
Aug 2018
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...
Aug 28, 2021 1:02 PM

Apr 2018
Souma's determination in the end was truly amazing. Same goes for Lisica who showed her resolve by cutting her head. It looks like War will start soon. Two of the Three Dukedoms will be fighting against Souma and the Excel Walter sided with Souma.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 28, 2021 1:22 PM
Feb 2021
This anime trying to go only for shock value. However as we have already seen all these 'shocks' before, it isn't doing much. That centralization of power thing is bullshit. It is the first step towards a dictatorship.
Aug 28, 2021 1:30 PM
Mar 2008
Rukodaime91 said:
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...

I thought the build up had been there the last few episodes, no?
There was the discussion about Georg planning to refuse the king's rule and take action, with some of the dissatisfied nobles who side with him being represented by the young couple that Souma had to rally over to his side.

As for the reasoning, it seems kind of evident from the discussion doesn't it? The King's abdication was sudden and with no internal communication to a complete stranger who only just turned up now from another world, leaving the doubt that there wasn't something untoward going on behind the scenes. Being away from the kingdom in their own dukedoms they can't see inside the castle and what's going on outside of sending a spy (which it appears only the navy did) so all they have to go on is hearsay and outward appearances.

It could be argued that this might be resolved by demanding an audience with those who serve around the king but because they don't know what convinced the king to hand the crown over they don't know how wide reaching any potential threat that the hero or any associates had is and if it might also seal the lips of those around the court too. They have no way of knowing the potential power of this hero nor if there weren't internal factions involved in the summoning of him who might have uses him as a pawn to take over.

That all said, it sounds like Georg is mostly doing this out of principle rather than a genuine concern about the oddities involved (those doubts seem to be more Castor's fears, coupled with him dissolving the 4 armies policy bringing all military power under his grasp and making him all but unopposable)
Souma's been bringing modern solutions and thinking to the kingdom without taking too much care about how some of the antiquated methods and systems are baked into the traditions and social fabric of the kingdom.
To an elder warrior like Georg, him throwing away history by severing the power of old noble families with no regard to their long lineage, taking the armies away and other drastic changes don't sit right with him. His age has put him in a more conservative mindset with little appreciation for these upheavals, even if they initially seem to bring positive change and sees it as potentially selling out who they are; selling the soul of the kingdom for what may only be short term success. Not to mention that while we, the audience, have been surrounded by the positive atmosphere of the king's retinue as it grows and fixes things, he's instead been surrounded by the nobles he took in that were kicked out for corruption, whispering in his ear and the concerns of his people who once again lack any real info and can only look on from the outside.
Add to that the potential future he faces of wasting away into his old age as a figurehead on a throne instead of being in the thick of battle and this offers an excuse to either go out in a blaze of glory or at least feel the adrenaline of being among the blood and cries of war one last time.

Obviously we've not seen a huge amount of him but I suspect he's meant to be one of those types not particularly suited to rule and preferring to be a person of action, in which case proving thing sin a fight is probably more his speed than wittering about it over a table :3
Not saying he's right at all, just trying to frame the mindset with what I feel we've been given.

That small novel aside, I do agree that the hair cutting felt like it lacked any weight. If anything it felt kinda random to me. She didn't say anything to lead up to it and it's not like there was much of a fuss made about her having long hair to begin with :/

That all said, I'm still enjoying this and looking forward to how this battle goes :D
GeminosityAug 28, 2021 1:33 PM
Aug 28, 2021 1:32 PM

Oct 2017
That lion dude and the dragon dude are dumb af and that dragon dude's daughter is even dumber.
Aug 28, 2021 2:12 PM

Jun 2021
I'm intrigued about a war arc, since it could shake things up. But I'm not really hyped. I think this is the show's weak spot, is that it's too interested in making Souma the perfect leader. He's so much better than everyone else, that things fall flat when they try to add conflict. Here's hoping he makes a few crucial missteps. Though considering civilians and locations will be safe, a lot of the possible consequences are off the table.
Aug 28, 2021 2:19 PM

Mar 2021
This episode was amazing, it feels like we are near the climax of the series. The first scene made me jealous of Souma 😅 Juna's been a big help to him along with Liscia and the group. I just love Souma's resolve and wits as king and to think that he's from another world.
Aug 28, 2021 3:10 PM

Feb 2015
Urgh, another hair cutting scene. That trope can feck off. Lost of talking this episode, found myself nodding off, honestly i don't get the hype with this series.
Aug 28, 2021 4:21 PM
Aug 2021
Did anyone else find this episode really out of character for Souma? Like just two episodes he was all "lets just talk this out" but here he went straight to "imma strip you of all power even if you give up". WTF? There wasn't even a proper explanation to us why they are fighting? The best reason I could see was the old king didn't explain things but a smart guy like Souma would know to have him at least talk to the dukes about it. He was rambling about how this was a last resort but they rushed so fast through the reasoning here that it literally went from ignoring letters to war in 5min.
Aug 28, 2021 5:28 PM
Jul 2018
The other king who had appeared in the Op finally appeared, new characters featured in the plot Liscia cut her hair even with short hair still suits her.
Aug 28, 2021 5:58 PM

Apr 2015
Yuna MVP this episode, otherwise Souma had a war against all three of them. Loved Liscia's resolve, even though I still dislike characters cutting their hair... XD
Aug 28, 2021 6:58 PM

Dec 2016
It was a boring episode for me ...

And I'm not usually the type of person to get really bothered by hair cutting scenes. But this one felt so forced and for no good reason, that kinda pissed me off. She doesn't look as pretty now, just ruined it for me.

At least I'm not too much of a fan of this show so I can deal with it in the meantime
Aug 28, 2021 7:15 PM
May 2009
Reading the comments its a pretty even split between hype and not hype...and the hype seems to mostly be novel readers and the not hype anime-only's. Cause us novel readers know what's really happening in the war.

Does it feel like Souma is acting out of character? HE IS. That's a plot point. .

[edit] oh god, have i really been lurking here for 12 years before my first forum post? What the hell.
Aug 28, 2021 7:29 PM

Feb 2020
Finally after such a long time, they take the interesting part in the end. Almost lost interest to continue, but the conflict with the three dukedoms always be intriguing me. But the execution, unfortunately, kinda feel like, its still lacking some good impact for my own enjoyment. Idk why.

For the story itself, everything just be clear. The land army and air forces rejected to unite under one Souma's banner, and the result expected to be the war. Pride always be the classic reason for those senile men. Then the young man expected to called them a fools, without a doubt, clearly stated how big this mc stood out at that crucial moment. Lets see how well Souma manage all of his confident in the battlefield. Well, ofc it will be get a good end.

Meanwhile, Amidonia also be ready to strike from behind, stealing the promised land that they wish to be avenged from their neighbor nation. In the other side, the jealousy also be another reason for that little nation of mercenary to sent forward their little forces. But, their little princess looks like also had her own move, kinda goes straight to Elfrieden capital, to solved the stupid conflict her old man and foolish brother had, with her own way. You know what she mean?

Well, you already get one more fire in the hole, Souma-sama. Be ready....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 28, 2021 10:25 PM

Jul 2014
Oh for fuck's sake anime girls, can you stop cutting your hair to show your resolve and character development, please? :'(

The princess of Amidonia looks like fun, I'd like to see more of her. Carla on the other hand... yeah, not the best start for her.
Aug 28, 2021 11:15 PM

Jun 2019
Souma sure was tired there. Juna made him sleep in an instant. Souma is doing a great job as a king but in a kingdom where everything's going fine after all this time. There's always gonna revolt and the dangers of outside kingdom attacking the throne. It's the same case here. Souma is being declined as their king by not one but two of the dukes.

This is surely the time to be worried about since another kingdom is going to attack and some of us are not getting along with the new king. Glad to see that Liscia is gonna stick by Souma's side.
Aug 28, 2021 11:35 PM
Feb 2015
Liscia, why did you cut your hair!!! 💔💔💔💔💔
Aug 28, 2021 11:55 PM
Nov 2020
Ready guys civil war about to begin. Think sooo
Aug 29, 2021 1:51 AM
Mar 2012
Oh diplomacy failed, now it's Civil War time. Even fishing rights & new city vs Lagoon was mentioned.
Bunch of new characters, & noted at least some families cross two dukedoms. What Souma feared in Hal fighting Kaede as example comes true. Raroa, previously as merchant, now a princess, sounds like her dad's the king yet she's gonna escape.
Castor on balance of power was reasonable. Souma's right too, but poor negotiation, maybe he could've given something in exchange for Castor losing autonomy. Carmin disappointing just sticks to old traditions.
Aug 29, 2021 3:02 AM

Oct 2016
Damn, that was really fucking intense. Great episode! After the shit that happened last episode, I am sure Souma was stressed. Since Souma didn't want Liscia to see his weak self, I am glad Juna was there to take care of his weakness.

Amidonia really setting themselves up for failure, keep on doing that ya clowns. Roroa seems to be way better than her father and brother though. Hope Roroa and Colbert go join Elfrieden, they'll be able to do much more there.

Boy, that zoom meeting was intense. Duke Carmine is indeed an idiot, but I can respect his warrior spirit. From what I remember at the beginning, Liscia used to be under Duke Carmine's military, so her cutting her hair is proof of her resolve in supporting Souma. Best girls Liscia and Juna really out here putting in work. At one of the three dukedoms allied with them, Excel Walter, thanks to Juna. Really looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 29, 2021 3:08 AM

Mar 2020
Ohh Liscia-hime's hair. She's still pretty with it shorter.

The episode is great even though my brain is going to explode of what they are talking about you know what I'm saying. hahaha. looking forward next week for what will happen with this war.
Oppai check!

111 cm: Hancock
110 cm: Zoro
100 cm: Robin
Aug 29, 2021 5:47 AM

Jun 2016
finally a good episode after that long long boring episode !!
Aug 29, 2021 6:54 AM
May 2018
Yeah, this is the worse 'cutting off my hair to show my resolve' moment I've ever seen
My candies (2024): x4
Aug 29, 2021 6:56 AM

Mar 2012
Rukodaime91 said:
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...

The air force dude doesn't really feel to have a reason outside glory and following the other Duke ideals.
He has more or less the exact mindset the guy friend with that wolf earth mage had (funnily enough, they come from the same army).

On the other hand we have the Lion, I'd say he stated his reasons pretty well.
He is old, so he is reluctant to change. He feels like Souma is not considering tradition as something to cherish (let's not forget that Liscia thought something similar when Souma sold some of the kingdom treasures to make money for the people to eat) as well as conidering position and name as the most valuable thing (pointed out by the fact he doesn't care that the ex-ministers were stealing money, on his eyes they have to remain ministers because they already were), and thus want to put the former king on the throne again and regain the old ways.
You say that he doesn't state that Souma does a bad job, but when you have someone willing to accept and defend people that has been sentenced after being proven is actively hurting the kingdom and breaking the law, you think he has any right to talk?

He is a good representation of one of the worst problems we always have, old people being in charge because "experience" but them opposing to any idea presented by someone younger just because is "new and different, when the old ways have always ''''''worked''''''".
Waifus only represent ideals
Aug 29, 2021 7:17 AM

Feb 2018
Cant wait for war and also glad to see junna
Aug 29, 2021 8:16 AM

Apr 2010
CorbanEsp said:
Rukodaime91 said:
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...

The air force dude doesn't really feel to have a reason outside glory and following the other Duke ideals.
He has more or less the exact mindset the guy friend with that wolf earth mage had (funnily enough, they come from the same army).

On the other hand we have the Lion, I'd say he stated his reasons pretty well.
He is old, so he is reluctant to change. He feels like Souma is not considering tradition as something to cherish (let's not forget that Liscia thought something similar when Souma sold some of the kingdom treasures to make money for the people to eat) as well as conidering position and name as the most valuable thing (pointed out by the fact he doesn't care that the ex-ministers were stealing money, on his eyes they have to remain ministers because they already were), and thus want to put the former king on the throne again and regain the old ways.
You say that he doesn't state that Souma does a bad job, but when you have someone willing to accept and defend people that has been sentenced after being proven is actively hurting the kingdom and breaking the law, you think he has any right to talk?

He is a good representation of one of the worst problems we always have, old people being in charge because "experience" but them opposing to any idea presented by someone younger just because is "new and different, when the old ways have always ''''''worked''''''".

Just want to elaborate on Castor since it's cut from the anime. Castor and Carmine are good friends. After the meeting of the generals and before the Ultimatum with Souma he begins to hesitate due to Excel trying to convince him to listen to reason and Carla receiving letters from Liscia trying to get them to join Souma. He ultimately chooses his loyalty to his friend over his loyalty to his country which is why he says he'll only participate in the war with his personal unit of 100troops, instead of the entire airforce.
antonnAug 29, 2021 12:20 PM
Aug 29, 2021 10:57 AM

Feb 2015
Can someone explain to me how cutting your hair off shows resolve. For me it just looks like a shit haircut and bad writing
Aug 29, 2021 11:51 AM
Jan 2021
CorbanEsp said:
Rukodaime91 said:
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...

The air force dude doesn't really feel to have a reason outside glory and following the other Duke ideals.
He has more or less the exact mindset the guy friend with that wolf earth mage had (funnily enough, they come from the same army).

On the other hand we have the Lion, I'd say he stated his reasons pretty well.
He is old, so he is reluctant to change. He feels like Souma is not considering tradition as something to cherish (let's not forget that Liscia thought something similar when Souma sold some of the kingdom treasures to make money for the people to eat) as well as conidering position and name as the most valuable thing (pointed out by the fact he doesn't care that the ex-ministers were stealing money, on his eyes they have to remain ministers because they already were), and thus want to put the former king on the throne again and regain the old ways.
You say that he doesn't state that Souma does a bad job, but when you have someone willing to accept and defend people that has been sentenced after being proven is actively hurting the kingdom and breaking the law, you think he has any right to talk?

He is a good representation of one of the worst problems we always have, old people being in charge because "experience" but them opposing to any idea presented by someone younger just because is "new and different, when the old ways have always ''''''worked''''''".

Aug 29, 2021 12:38 PM
Aug 2021
CorbanEsp said:
Rukodaime91 said:
I didn't feel any tension about two Dukes declaring war... Maybe because I don't even understand the reason for having a war in the first place.

Basically, we're going into war just because the former King did not explain this decision (of summoning Souma) and he's too lazy to explain it now. It's not like the Duke argued with Souma he was not doing a good job. The justification is too shallow for justifying war. Also, I didn't even notice a real build-up leading to this war.

Wouldn't have been so much better if Souma made a terrible mistake and then they ask him to resign... But Souma has no place to go and want to make up for his mistake so he stands up for his kingdom even if it means going to war... because the Duke want to reinstate the former King and Souma knows the former King is too weak and the Kingdom would get rekt by the other Kingdom.

PS : Instead of cutting her hair, Hime-sama should have tried to convince the Duke that Souma was a reliable king. Cutting your hair to show resolve... that's so uncessary. In Naturo, Sakura did it when she was fighting a Ninja and Ino did it to be able to use her ninpo against Sakura. Here ? Not so much. I mean, when people will die for no reason in the war, no one is gonna care she cut her hair...

The air force dude doesn't really feel to have a reason outside glory and following the other Duke ideals.
He has more or less the exact mindset the guy friend with that wolf earth mage had (funnily enough, they come from the same army).

On the other hand we have the Lion, I'd say he stated his reasons pretty well.
He is old, so he is reluctant to change. He feels like Souma is not considering tradition as something to cherish (let's not forget that Liscia thought something similar when Souma sold some of the kingdom treasures to make money for the people to eat) as well as conidering position and name as the most valuable thing (pointed out by the fact he doesn't care that the ex-ministers were stealing money, on his eyes they have to remain ministers because they already were), and thus want to put the former king on the throne again and regain the old ways.
You say that he doesn't state that Souma does a bad job, but when you have someone willing to accept and defend people that has been sentenced after being proven is actively hurting the kingdom and breaking the law, you think he has any right to talk?

He is a good representation of one of the worst problems we always have, old people being in charge because "experience" but them opposing to any idea presented by someone younger just because is "new and different, when the old ways have always ''''''worked''''''".

The biggest issue with the episode is that the lion never actually told Souma that was his issue. They literally said he never replied to the letters and he doesn't bring it up in the meeting. If he was bothered by it he should tell the king that he disapproves of his rejection of their history. That's what a stingy conservative would do. Then Souma could try and convince him, fail, and we would see Souma did everything he could negotiation-wise. Instead we get some stupid line about how the lion guy is too far gone which is something Souma would never say without trying to talk. It wouldn't even take 30s to add that but it would have been faithful to characters and set this up as a battle of ideologies and the inevitable resistance to change rather than just this war is happening cause 2/3 leaders are dumb.
Aug 29, 2021 12:40 PM
Aug 2021
antonn said:
Just want to elaborate on Castor since it's cut from the anime. Castor and Carmine are good friends. After the meeting of the generals and before the Ultimatum with Souma he begins to hesitate due to Excel trying to convince him to listen to reason and Carla receiving letters from Liscia trying to get them to join Souma. He ultimately chooses his loyalty to his friend over his loyalty to his country which is why he says he'll only participate in the war with his personal unit of 100troops, instead of the entire airforce.

That actually makes way more sense than anything we saw in the anime. Shame they cut it. Does pose a weird question why he didn't second guess everything when Liscia was so convicted though.
Aug 29, 2021 4:57 PM

Sep 2016
I have just one question: how the flying fk are they going to finish adapting volume 2 in four more episodes at this pace? I'm afraid they're gonna start rushing soon.
Yet these hands will never hold anything.
Thus I pray, Unlimited Waifu Works!

Aug 30, 2021 2:55 PM
Dec 2015
This anime just falls short on all fronts.
Soma's answer would be much more appropriate being something like this.
"Your ancestral lands will be ravaged and burned, your people will be killed, your castles will be leveled to the ground and sprinkled with salt, your families dishonored and executed in torture, your treacherous names will be removed from all archives and chronicles, and you yourself will look at everything that happens while you are impaled for the edification of all traitors. "
Aug 30, 2021 10:18 PM

Jan 2020
Wth is up with anime girls randomly ruining their look by chopping off their hair. Liscia looks terrible with that hair now. Anyway, this anime has been a bit disappointing for me (especially animation), as I was really looking forward to it. Souma as the mc is the lone bright spot imo.
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