
Sep 1, 2016
Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that? This guy is too perfectionist. Besides, I'm pretty sure most people where okay either way. I mean, you have games such as Roundscape Adorevia where art is comissioned from a gazillion artists each with different art styles. Complaining about slightly less details is a little overkill.
On a side note, wish he/they kept doing it in RPGM like Noxian Nights which is probably one of my all time favorites. It takes time to build a library of assets, but once you have those it's much easier to make scenes and organize them. Ren'Py is a coding mess.
Jan 2, 2020
Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that? This guy is too perfectionist. Besides, I'm pretty sure most people where okay either way. I mean, you have games such as Roundscape Adorevia where art is comissioned from a gazillion artists each with different art styles. Complaining about slightly less details is a little overkill.
On a side note, wish he/they kept doing it in RPGM like Noxian Nights which is probably one of my all time favorites. It takes time to build a library of assets, but once you have those it's much easier to make scenes and organize them. Ren'Py is a coding mess.
Thats maybe why they choose renpy,to have more excuses for the "delays",strap on everyone they will take another 7 months just to fix dwarf Sabia,another 7 to add the other half of artwork and another 7 months of ??? but then we will finally have profit.....or do we?
May 18, 2020
Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that? This guy is too perfectionist. Besides, I'm pretty sure most people where okay either way. I mean, you have games such as Roundscape Adorevia where art is comissioned from a gazillion artists each with different art styles. Complaining about slightly less details is a little overkill.
On a side note, wish he/they kept doing it in RPGM like Noxian Nights which is probably one of my all time favorites. It takes time to build a library of assets, but once you have those it's much easier to make scenes and organize them. Ren'Py is a coding mess.
Why would they use the old af rpgm when they have the unprecendented opportunity to program something so unique as an inventory. A dream job for every script kiddo in the mighty renpy. Damn I am salty, time to play some more lol. None sets up themselves for failure on purpose, but I really don't get the decision to use renpy. "Bleeding into may" lmfao. Just realised we passed 4years in development. The faster updates are bound to be coming soon.


Oct 28, 2017
maybe he wants to have an unlocked gallery without spending 5 hours on the game
then there is FAR better hentai comics/art out there! im serious! why even bother with hentai games and all this update delay crap if all u care is a sex art? just go in rule35 and u have an unending ocean of sex art with all fetishes


Dec 11, 2020
You know what drew me to this game?

I remember I started playing right on the debut of the horned god's night. I saw a teaser pic of Sabia(Saaaahhhh-bia) done up in the mask and the vines (even though turns out the tek-rok feast was the one I was after)

I liked it because not only was I newer to hentai games... it was this element of ritual and fantasy infused into it.

I wanted to see waht happened in that scene so bad.

When I actually played the game, I play games like these usually kinda natural at first (Just going with the mood if there are choices not aiming to be a total fuck puppet or a bitchy dom just at first)

I found that a pro-Sabia independent run felt natural and I just had a blast playing the game the first time around. Replaying to discover I had to make her into a slutty orc slave was also a SUPER treat and I didn't mind going back to replay it.

In other words, I think the essence of this game that made it so enjoyable was in fact the semi-hard world building, combined with the potential enjoyable replay value, combined with some of the more "ceremonial" fuckings that could occur.

I think like the whole point of games like this is usually to degrade or humiliate the protag, and thats usually A-OK with me.

Here, not only is it apparent the writing is lack luster... I mean even if Kia was part of Sierra's original vision or not, some of these things have become a chore. Honestly... sometimes even the orcs sound like they use a dictionary and sometimes I wish they couldn't speak at all.

I remember I WANTED to know more about Jadk and several other orcs and characters. Now I just... I don't know. I don't even know why I am typing this other than to say I wish Hreinn could have some awakening to that original vision and see what they have and how desperate their fan base is for them to just... either give it up or step back into it.


New Member
Oct 7, 2017
I remember I WANTED to know more about Jadk and several other orcs and characters. Now I just... I don't know. I don't even know why I am typing this other than to say I wish Hreinn could have some awakening to that original vision and see what they have and how desperate their fan base is for them to just... either give it up or step back into it.
When I tried to edit saves in an early version of the game with Ren'Py Editor, i found a switch "Jadk wife", or something like that. So in the beginning they planned to ad this route to the game, at least when Sierra Lee was still in the team.
Now I'm not even sure if they will make this storyline or not.
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Jun 19, 2018
Man I was a big fan of the whole fall from high status and now you're just some low class orc "property" concept.
I don't know why but that plot just feels lackluster after the trial. I don't know how much of that was due to losing Sierra's writing or just Patreon milquetoast policies.

Would really appreciate recommendations for Sierra's other works that feature strong female character undergoing submissive/degradation route.
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