Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Auburn University Montgomery/English Comp II - Wikipedia - 4037 - ENGL 1020 - S (Spring 2021)
This Course
Wikipedia Resources
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- Course name
- English Comp II - Wikipedia - 4037 - ENGL 1020 - S
- Institution
- Auburn University Montgomery
- Instructor
- Dr Aaij
- Wikipedia Expert
- Ian (Wiki Ed)
- Subject
- English Composition 2
- Course dates
- 2021-01-20 00:00:00 UTC – 2021-05-05 23:59:59 UTC
- Approximate number of student editors
- 20
Students will do an introduction to editing Wikipedia, improve article by copy editing and adding references to reliable secondary sources, and write an article on a topic pertaining to African culture and literature.
Week 1
- Course meetings
- Wednesday, 20 January 2021
- Assignment - Get started on Wikipedia
Do all this before class.
Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (If you don't do this before class, you may receive a message that you cannot create an account.)
- In class - Introduction to the class Wikipedia assignment
Welcome to your Wikipedia assignment's course timeline. This page guides you through the steps you'll need to complete for your Wikipedia assignment, with links to training modules and your classmates' work spaces.
Your course has been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. You can reach them through the Get Help button at the top of this page.
Note that all "training modules" have to be completed before class; "exercises" are done in class, unless otherwise indicated.
- Milestones
This week, everyone should have a Wikipedia account.
Week 2
- Course meetings
- Monday, 25 January 2021 | Wednesday, 27 January 2021
- Assignment - Discussion
Thinking about sources and plagiarism
Do the training module before class, and read this essay, which we will discuss in class:
Week 3
- Course meetings
- Monday, 1 February 2021 | Wednesday, 3 February 2021
- In class - Find sources
Find your sources
There is nothing more important to get you started (besides an idea) as a set of good sources. We'll practice that this week, and we'll go well beyond Googling something.
Two helpful, if not essential, links for you:
- AUM library, where you will find yourself at "Databases & Articles" very soon
- Assignment - Add to an article
This is to be done before class time: do the training module ("Add to an article"), and add a citation to a reliable source to a Wikipedia article. We'll do another one in class.
It does not really matter which article--well it does. It will be hard to find a lot of reliable sources for Bubble Guppies, and easier to find them for Galvanization or 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (go ahead, try).
For examples, see such categories as these:, Category:Kenyan novelists, Category:Zimbabwean novelists. Look at a couple of articles, look for "citation needed" tags and templates, or for unverified statements in the article.
- Read Randall McClure, Googlepedia, and we'll talk about it in class.
- Assignment - Discussion
So, it should be clear what the content gap is that we are dealing with here. In preparation for class, follow the training module and come to class with three possible reasons for why we would experience a content gap in our particular area--African literature and culture.
Read this:
- Towards a study of information geographies (pictures only)
Week 4
- Course meetings
- Monday, 8 February 2021 | Wednesday, 10 February 2021
- Assignment - Peer review an article
Pick an interesting article from Wikipedia before class and give it a good read. You'll review it in class.
[[../../../training/students/peer-review|Guiding framework]]
- Assignment - Start drafting your first article, on a writer
What you are doing in this section is straightforward: write an article on one of the writers on our list. Get to work by a. finding the reliable sources, b. look at what such an article needs to look like, and c. start writing it up in your sandbox.
For examples, look at Flora Nwapa, Bilkisu Funtuwa, or Aïcha Fofana. Note that many of the current articles are not very good, and these are some of the things that you can work on.
Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have questions using the Get Help button at the top of this page.
Finally, we'll need to talk about notability standards (type in "WP:N" in the Wikipedia search box, and then "WP:GNG"), and about sourcing (type in "WP:RS").
Resource: Editing Wikipedia, pages 7–9
Week 5
- Course meetings
- Monday, 15 February 2021 | Wednesday, 17 February 2021
- Assignment - First article due; move to mainspace and review
Today the first article is due: we'll move it into main space today. Each of you will evaluate one of those articles, on the talk page.
Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13
- Assignment - Peer reviews are complete
Read How to Write Meaningful Peer Response Praise. Write a detailed, meaningful critique of two articles by your classmates.
- Assignment - Respond to your peer review
You probably have some feedback from other students and possibly other Wikipedians. Consider their suggestions, decide whether it makes your work more accurate and complete, and edit your draft to make those changes. Respond to that review and improve your article: I will not start grading until after this.
- Editing Wikipedia, pages 12 and 14
- Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have any questions.
Week 6
- Course meetings
- Monday, 22 February 2021 | Wednesday, 24 February 2021
- Assignment - Wikipedia discussion
Bring an article to class (printed out on paper) on Wikipedia's reliability OR on some Wikipedia "scandal". This is in preparation for the big argumentative paper.
- Assignment - More discussion
More on the same topic: reliability of Wikipedia, including your own research experience.
Week 7
- Course meetings
- Monday, 1 March 2021 | Wednesday, 3 March 2021
- Assignment - Optional
- Did You Know
- In class - Second Wikipedia article
You can pick what you like, on any topic in African literature and culture--but if I were you I'd pick something easy, like a well-known work by the author you already wrote up.
Week 8
- Course meetings
- Monday, 8 March 2021 | Wednesday, 10 March 2021
- Assignment - Draft of second article ready
Be prepared to peer-review someone else's article in class. PLEASE make sure to have a presentable draft by class time.
- Assignment - Library session
We will meet in the library for class, to learn how to work the library's catalog and other databases.
Week 9
- Course meetings
- Monday, 15 March 2021 | Wednesday, 17 March 2021
- Assignment - Guide(s) for writing articles in your topic area
Today we are going over the assignment for the third article, which is on what I call a "local topic". This is a topic of your choosing--but you must choose carefully. My suggestion is you write about something from your world, like (for me) Freedom Rides_Museum, Redoshi, and Evangelical Lutheran Church (Enkhuizen).
Week 10
- Course meetings
- Monday, 22 March 2021 | Wednesday, 24 March 2021
- Assignment - Draft of "local" article due
Today, you must have a draft of your "local" article, in a sandbox. Make sure that your sources are listed/referenced in the draft; if you have paper/book sources, bring them to class plz.
Week 11
- Course meetings
- Monday, 29 March 2021 | Wednesday, 31 March 2021
- Assignment - Continued article work; in-class discussion of "Finding the Good Argument"
[[../../../training/students/continue-improving-exercise/link-articles|Add links to your article]]
Now's the time to revisit your text and refine your work. You may do more research and find missing information; rewrite the lead section to represent all major points; reorganize the text to communicate the information better; or add images and other media.
Read Rebecca Jones, "Finding the Good Argument". Expect a reading quiz.
Week 12
- Course meetings
- Monday, 5 April 2021 | Wednesday, 7 April 2021
- Assignment - Final version of "local" article due
It's the final week to develop your "local" article.
- Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
- Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Wikipedia Expert at any time!
- For in-class discussion, read Irvin, "What is Academic Writing?"
- Assignment - Rough draft of argumentative paper
Bring a rough draft of your argumentative paper. Bring another article to class (printed out on paper) on Wikipedia's reliability OR on some Wikipedia "scandal". By now you should have at least two; remember that you need at least three.
Week 13
- Course meetings
- Monday, 12 April 2021 | Wednesday, 14 April 2021
- Assignment - Peer review of argumentative paper
Bring a draft--as clean and complete as possible--of your argumentative paper. We will do peer review in class. In addition, we'll look over the portfolio guidelines.
- Assignment - Final version of argumentative paper
Submit this on Blackboard.
Week 14
- Course meetings
- Monday, 19 April 2021 | Wednesday, 21 April 2021
- Assignment - Reflective essay; portfolio due
Read Dasbender, "Critical Thinking in College Writing".
Bring your finished portfolio: the in-class essay is the last thing you'll stick in there.